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盘点2011即将面世的十大Xbox游戏 质量效应新作独占鳌头

发布时间:2011-03-29 17:45:42 Tags:,


考虑到这种激动人心的时刻即将出现,IGN根据目前的了解总结出年内计划发布的十大最佳游戏,这些游戏都有获得年度最佳游戏提名的实力。由于篇幅有限,某些引人入胜的游戏或许无法位列其中,包括《极限竞速4》、《子弹风暴》、《龙腾世纪2》、《孤岛危机2》和《Marvel vs. Capcom 3》等。但也正因为取舍困难,2011年在世界各地视频游戏爱好者心中的地位才得以体现。

值得注意的是,这份榜单中大部分属跨平台游戏。很显然,2011年Xbox 360专属游戏计划发布量偏少。







黑暗的空间很适合Isaac Clarke和他的敌人Necromorph。在《死亡空间2》中,玩家将再次扮演勇敢无畏的工程师Isaac Clarke,他遭遇与上作类似的恐怖袭击——对手包围了Aegis VII上的人类聚居地和名为Ishimura的采矿船。《死亡空间2》的剧情是前作恐怖事件发生之后的事,故事场景位于Sprawl空间站。Isaac不断失去朋友并遭遇无以名状的恐怖袭击,前方的求生之路异常艰险。








如果玩家认为只有巨作才能丰富自己的游戏之旅,那么可以尝试下《伊甸园之子》。这款由《Rez》和《Lumine》制作者Tetsuya Mizuguchi构思的游戏是他再次探索共感觉的产物。游戏不仅良好地继承了《Rez》中各种技术的联合及鲜明夺目的视觉效果,而且还增添了体感控制这个重要元素。




Adam Jensen本应该死亡,而高级机械附件救了他。这项新技术由Jensen就职的公司Sarif工业研发,该项技术让整个世界发生巨变,人类未来发展有了新的高度。Jensen在Sarif遭受攻击时身负重伤,植入身体的附件让他变成致命武器,他的能力已远超凡人。





在《狂怒》中,玩家必须利用各种临时工具在这种严酷的环境中生存下去。探索和战斗采用的是第一人称视角,而且游戏中也需要适当的驾驶技术。玩家可以升级和更换座驾,使用自制工具击退寄居于地球的其他生物。为保证动作流畅且场景美观,《狂怒》采用id Tech 5引擎制作而成。游戏环境中的敌人栩栩如生,玩家需时刻保持警惕。












游戏邦获悉,心理扭曲的精神病医生Hugo Strange、疯小丑、双面人以及美丽的猫女已确定会登场,这意味着《阿甘之城》的故事情节比前作更为复杂。《阿甘之城》大部分剧情仍带有神秘色彩,Scarecrow和他的Titan Serum究竟发生了什么事?谁才是真凶?真凶的动机是什么?这些问题已经让玩家迫不及待地想与纽约市的超级英雄一同解读所有的线索。





Top 10 Xbox 360 Games of 2011

What we do know is that 2011 is geared up to be an incredible year. It might not be the best year ever, but the 2011 lineup is turning heads and setting the IGN office into a sweaty fervor. Some of the biggest sequels in gaming are scheduled to arrive next year along with a few exciting new projects that are ready to prove themselves in the international space. It’s enough to make even the most apathetic couch-surfer give an uncharacteristic grunt of enthusiasm.

Considering this impending excitement, we decided to come up with a list of the top 10 games scheduled to launch next year. These are the games we think will be the very best of the bunch based on what we know about them so far. Our choices are the kind of games that could get nominated for a Game of the Year award one year from now. And yes, we’re aware that we left out tons of intriguing titles like Forza Motorsport 4, Bulletstorm, Dragon Age II, Crysis 2, and Marvel vs. Capcom 3. There just wasn’t enough space for everything. Considering these omissions, you’ll begin to see that 2011 really is a promising time for video game lovers everywhere.

It should be noted that most of our picks are multiplatform games. It’s clear that there’s a lack of 360 exclusives scheduled for 2011.


Gears of War 3 is about humanity on the edge of annihilation by the Locust and a new enemy, the Lambent. The women, who were not allowed to be Gears, have now taken up arms and joined the fight. We’re expecting lots of enemy bits splattering across the screen, tons of curse words, and some silly plot twists. But with lessons learned from the first two games, we’re hoping Epic can deliver answers and some genuine emotion to go along with the pretty visuals and over-the-top action.

The real question is the multiplayer. It’s not really a concern of whether or not the tweaks to gameplay will make it better or if the new modes can satisfy long-time Gears fans. All we want to know is if the matchmaking system is actually going to work, if online matches are going to be stable, and if it’s not going to be a hassle to play with your friends. Has the community spoken loudly enough for Epic to make things right the third time around?


The blackness of space is a fitting stage for Isaac Clarke and his Necromorph adversaries. In Dead Space 2, players once again take control of the courageous engineer as he encounters the same twisted terrors that besieged a human colony on Aegis VII and an orbiting mining craft called the Ishimura. Dead Space 2 takes place after the events of the chilling original and is set on the Sprawl space station. With fallen friends and unspeakable horrors plaguing Isaac’s mind, he has a long and difficult journey of survival ahead of him.

In order to defend himself, Clarke will once again have a variety of powerful weapons to fight off the Necromorph threat. And if slicing off reanimated monster limbs isn’t fun enough, Clarke also has a javelin gun to impale his enemies against walls. With this full campaign, and a multiplayer mode, Dead Space 2 should give horror fans a serious scare.


L.A. in 1947. World War II is over, the city is on the verge of major changes, and the police force is overrun with corruption. This is the setting of Rockstar’s latest open-world game. Unlike most Rockstar games, you don’t play the outlaw, but instead work the proper side of the law. There’s no morality meter, no choice between good and evil. You are the one upstanding cop, a war hero quickly promoted up the ranks to put a positive face on a very dirty police force.

Though you have a fully recreated Los Angeles to drive around in, this isn’t a sandbox game like Grand Theft Auto IV. Instead, L.A. Noire is more like a reimagining of the classic adventure game, where you search the scene for clues and talk to other characters to find answers. It’s up to you to read the faces of suspects and judge if they are telling the truth, hiding something, our outright lying. Can you decipher the clues, solve the crimes, and outrun the dirty cops looking to take you out?


If you think you need drugs to feel a state of euphoria, take a peek at Child of Eden. Conceptualized by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, creator of Rez and Lumines, Child of Eden is yet another exploration of synesthesia from the famous developer. Uniting techno beats with stunningly vibrant visuals, this is a spiritual successor to Rez, but adds one important element: motion controls.

With Microsoft’s Kinect you can immerse yourself into the virtual world and wipe away corruption with the palm of your hand (Because Kinect can’t recognize fingers!). Switching between auto-firing and the lock-on shot only requires a clap of your hands. And to trigger bombs you throw your hands up in the air like you’re on a roller-coaster… which we suppose is fairly accurate.


Adam Jensen should be dead, had it not been for advanced mechanical augmentation. This polarizing new technology is a specialty of Jensen’s firm Sarif Industries, and that technology has divided the world as mankind’s future races towards startling new heights. After Jensen is critically injured during an attack on Sarif, his body undergoes painful augmentation that transforms him into a deadly weapon — capable of more than an ordinary man.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution will span the world and feature the futuristic metropolises of Shanghai, Montreal and Detroit. Human Revolution is set prior to the events of the original Deus Ex games, but will still feature an emphasis on player choice. Players can upgrade and enhance Jensen’s abilities in four different categories: stealth, social, hacking, and combat. The developers want to reward all play styles and give players the freedom to approach any situation in whatever way they choose.


The world we know is gone, replaced by the devastating aftermath of an asteroid impact. Fragments of humanity were meant to survive in pods called Arks, nestled underground. But sometimes, things don’t go according to plan. Players take control of an Ark inhabitant that wakes to a world entirely alien. Mutants roam the wasteland and mankind clings to life.

In Rage, players must survive these harsh conditions using a variety of makeshift tools. Exploration and combat take place from a first-person perspective, but driving will also be an important feature when traveling long distances. Players can upgrade and modify their vehicle, as well as build up a custom inventory to fight back the creatures that inhabit the surface. Rage is designed to keep the action smooth and beautiful, using the power of the id Tech 5 engine. Enemies will animate beautifully through the environment and keep players on their toes.


Almost nothing is known about the next installment in the Elder Scrolls series. The latest, coming November 2011, takes place in the region of Skyrim. In northern Tamriel, Skyrim is a cold and snowy place (and apparently home to werewolves). Here’s hoping Bethesda will take us to Throat of the World, the highest point in Skyrim and mythical birthplace of man.

Our assumption is that gameplay will be similar to previous titles in the series — an open-world game where your characters’ skills are improved by his actions, not by spending experience points. In the past, the sidequests and exploration have proven far more interesting (and time-consuming) than following the main storyline. We’ll see if Bethesda can give us something more interesting to do other than closing endless Oblivion Gates.


You’re a monster, at least according to GLaDOS, a deranged artificial intelligence running the now dilapidated Aperture Science facility. Hundreds of years after the events of the original Portal, protagonist Chell is once again subject to GLaDOS’s “experiments.” You’ll guide Chell through the test facility as GLaDOS attempts to rebuild the damage done by nature over the course of so many years.

Chell is armed with the now legendary portal gun, which can instantly create two connected portals on any flat surface. A number of other new gameplay mechanics have been added as well. But her journey isn’t the only action you’ll get out of Portal 2. The developers are creating an entirely separate co-op campaign where you and a friend work together to solve the mind-bending puzzles at hand. This campaign will revolve around two robots that can operate their own portal guns and give big robotic hugs. Adorable.


Criminals are taking over Gotham City and there’s only one man that can stop them: Batman. As part of Mayor Quincy’s initiative, Arkham was relocated into the city proper instead of quarantined on nearby Arkham Island. As such, the aptly named Arkham City offers players a larger area to explore filled with the same kind of crazies you’d expect in the institution.

Confirmed appearances include warped psychiatrist Hugo Strange, the demented Joker, the dichotomous Two-Face, and the beautiful Catwoman. This means Arkham City has a more complex storyline than the first. Still, most of Arkham City’s plot is shrouded in mystery — what happened to Scarecrow and his box of Titan Serum? Who is the main antagonist here? What’s his or her motivation? We can’t wait to decipher all the clues with Gotham’s coolest superhero.


The Reapers are out there. Although their cuttlefish-like appearance seems silly, these giant, sentient, homicidal robots mean business. Commander Shepard hindered their cyclical plan to systematically purge all galactic life in the first two titles, but didn’t completely stop them. As seen in the first teaser trailer, Earth is being attacked by hundreds of the devastating creatures and the human home world might be lost forever if something isn’t done soon. How soon? We don’t know, but we hope you don’t have time to recruit a bunch of people in the galaxy while the Reapers are busy destroying all human life.

What we’re eager to see is how your decisions in Mass Effect 1 and 2 will influence the world and storyline in the last chapter of Shepard’s story. Does leaving the council for dead mean you won’t be able to get help from the Turians, Asari or Salarians? Hopefully not, otherwise Renegade players will be totally screwed. (Source: IGN)

