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游戏控制器住宅分布比例调查 客厅独占半数居首位

发布时间:2011-03-29 10:48:16 Tags:,




循着这个思路,如果把社交游戏和移动控制作为大部分Wii位于客厅的原因,那么可以推断今年控制器发生的变革使之更易流向客厅。随着Playstation Move和Xbox Kinect控制系统的出现,这些控制器将威胁到Wii的地位。然而,PS 3和Xbox 360上多人在线游戏玩家的增加同样可能使控制器转移至其他房间中。Wii控制器的网游数量有限,况且许多主流FPS和TPS游戏通常适用于其他平台。游戏邦觉得,这些大型多人网游的出现可能导致控制器位置多样化。

Nielsen还在报告中表示,除了客厅外,位居第二的无疑是卧室,其中1/5的控制器系统位于孩子的卧室内。在这个方面,Xbox 360位居首位,占孩子卧室内数据的28%,几乎是Wii(14%)和PS3(16%)的两倍。第七代控制器在主卧室中的分布概率为10%,其他家居场所也零星分布着这些系统。

游戏邦认为,Playstation 3支持蓝光技术,因而放置在有大屏幕电视的客厅较为妥当。然而,PS3却是住宅中分布最广的控制器,客厅和孩子卧室比例总和仅为61%,而Wii和Xbox 360分别达到73%和70%。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

50% of Game Consoles in Living Room

Nielsen put out some recent information on the location of game consoles across the country. Since they are all now incorporating more multimedia entertainment features like streaming video, sports and music it’s no wonder that they are more spread throughout households than in the past reaching into all rooms of the home now (aside from the bathroom).

According to Nielsen: On the whole, half of the latest breed of gaming consoles (known to the industry as 7th Generation Consoles) are located in the living/family room. The system most likely to be found in this family-friendly space is the Wii (59%), a reflection of the Nintendo console’s motion-controlled, social gaming style.

If you were to then follow their line of reasoning that the social gaming and motion controls are the reason that the Wii is mostly found in the living room, then we can assume that there will be a shift this year in consoles which should return to the living room more than the other rooms of the home. With the advent of the Playstation Move and Xbox Kinect control systems, these consoles are now in the same arena as the Wii. Then again, there are more PS 3 and Xbox 360 gamers who play multiplayer online which might also account for the consoles being more spread out in the home. The Wii has limited online gaming and many major FPS and TPS titles are more commonly played on the other consoles. Since these often have large multiplayer online aspects it is not necessary that the console be located centrally in the living room.

Nielsen: Beyond the living/family room, the next most popular location for consoles is decidedly more solitary: the bedroom, with one in five systems residing in kids’ bedrooms specifically. Here, the Xbox 360 clearly leads the way, with 28% of the Microsoft system’s units located in kids’ rooms, nearly double the rate for Wii (14%) or PS3 (16%). The master bedroom is home to another 10% of 7th Gen systems, with a number of other household locations accounting for the balance of platforms.

I think the fact that the Playstation 3 has Blu-Ray means that it is a slightly better option for the living room as well since that is traditionally where the largest screen in the house resides. However, the PS3 is almost the most widespread in the household with only 61% in either the living room or the kids bedroom whereas 73% of Wii and 70% of Xbox 360s can be found there. (Source: Gamers Daily News)

