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发布时间:2011-03-22 08:46:48 Tags:,,,,






march madness facebook

march madness facebook

第1组合堪称大卫VS歌利亚(游戏邦注:他是圣经中被大卫杀死的巨人)。Cie Games旗下的《Car Town》可以对抗Zynga的《CityVille》吗?《Car Town》上个月开始走下坡路,但仍旧拥有自己的铁杆粉丝。《Car Town》能否抗衡游戏巨头《CityVille》?


第3组游戏风格更是天差地别。《Zynga’s Poker》堪称Facebook游戏的鼻祖,而其竞争对手则是CrowdStar的女性时尚游戏《It Girl》。两款游戏的玩家截然不同,这会是本场比赛的首个混搭组合吗?

接下来的组合是Zynga的《FrontierVille》和LOLApps的《RavenWood Fair》。游戏邦认为这两款游戏风格极相似,这两者的对决也很有看头。《FrontierVille》推出较早,而《RavenWood Fair》则画面唯美。“岁月”能否战胜“美貌”?二者似乎各有千秋。


第6组为游戏元老的较量:Zynga的《Cafe World》和Playfish的《宠物社区》。两款游戏的渊源可以追溯到2009年,当时Playfish和Zynga正在角逐Facebook社交游戏的霸主地位。

在第7个组合中,Zynga的《Treasure Isle》力图挫败Playfish的《Restaurant City》。Playfish和Zynga长久以来实力都不相上下,Facebook市场早期每种风格的游戏,二者几乎均有涉猎。两家公司都希望自己能够打败对手,独占鳌头!

锦标赛的男性组合非Zynga《黑帮战争》和Digital Chocolate的《Millionaire City》莫属,这二者各有所长,尽显男儿本色,欲知双方较量结果如何,请大家拭目以待。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

补充:第一回合的角力结束了,1)Cityville从和Car Town的角力中胜出 2)Mafia Wars从和Millionire City的角力中胜出 3)Frontierville从和Ravenwood Fair的角力中胜出 4)bejeweled Biltz从和Mosnster World的角力中胜出 5)Farmville从和Zuma Biltz的角力中胜出 6)Treasure Isle从和Restaurant City的角力中胜出 7)Zynga Poker从和It Girl的角力中胜出 8)Pet society从和Cafe World的角力中胜出。这一轮,Zynga旗下的社交游戏依然成为赢家。




四强赛出炉了,最终Cityville(Zynga)击败Mafia Wars(Zynga),Bejeweled Blitz(Popcap)击败FrontierVille(Zynga),Treasure Isle(Zynga)击败Farmville(Zynga),而Zynga Poker(Zynga)击败了Pet Society(Playfish)。



补充:第四回合。Pet Society(Playfish)击败Treasure Isle(Zynga),Bejeweled Blitz(Popcap)击败Cityville(Zynga)。



March Madness Facebook Game Showdown: Round 1

Every March, the college basketball season ends with its NCAA Basketball tournament. Sixty-eight college basketball teams qualify for a frenzied rush to be named the

best team in the nation. The tournament is a single elimination tournament, one loss and your team goes home. Due to the crazed nature of the games and frenetic pace the tournament has been given the name “March Madness.”

At the – The Blog!, we are just as passionate about Facebook games as some people are about basketball. So — we thought — what the heck! Let’s make a tournament of Facebook games.

Here’s how its going to work:

We chose the top 16 games by daily active users and seeded them by their total number of players as of March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day felt like a good day to get the numbers.)

All the first round match-ups have been listed in this post.Vote which game you think should advance. It’s that easy!Vote early and vote often.

We’ll tally all the votes over the weekend and set up out second round match ups based on which games got the most votes. It’s win or go home time for you favorite Facebook games! Let the madness begin!

In our first match up we have a real David vs. Goliath. Can the upstart Car Town of Cie Games hang in there verses the hulking behemoth of a game in Zynga’s CityVille?

Car Town has been on the decline for the last month but has retained its most loyal players. Can it hang with the monster of CityVille?

The number two seed is Zynga’s (You’re going to see Zynga a lot) FarmVille. If this had been last year, FarmVille would have been a clear number one. FarmVille has drawn the Blog’s favorite game, Popcap’s Zuma Blitz. This is really a match up of two contrasting styles and has different types of players. There is no way FarmVille can lose is there?

Our third match-up brings to wildly different styles to the floor. Zynga’s Poker, the granddaddy of all Facebook games is taking on the cute bastion of feminine fashion, CrowdStar’s It Girl. The audiences for these two games could not be more different. Could this be our first upset match-up?

Zynga’s FrontierVille locks horns with LOLApps’s RavenWood Fair. Two games so similar could really battle to the very end. FrontierVille has the advantage in age but

Ravenwood Fair has the leg up on beauty. Could this be an age before beauty situation? It could be a toss up.

Popcap’s second entry Bejeweled Blitz is the favorite in the dreaded 5 vs. 12 match-up. Wooga’s Monster World has history on it’s side. In the NCAA basketball tournament the 5 seed is upset more by the 12 seed than an other seeding in tournament history. Could this be Monster World’s chance to shock the world?

Two older games go head to head next Zynga’s Cafe World battles Playfish’s Pet Society. Both games harken way back to 2009 when Playfish and Zynga were still vying to supremacy for which company would be the biggest on Facebook. (Wow,things have changed)

Zynga’s Treasure Isle attempts to vanquish Playfish’s Restaurant City in the next match up. Playfish and Zynga have a long history of going head to head and each had a game in nearly every genre in the early days of the Facebook game market. They both be itching to eliminate the other!

The dude match-up of the tournament is Zynga’s Mafia Wars verses Digital Chocolate’s Millionaire City. Both these games have a bit more of an edge and man-centric feel to them. We’ll see if they come out fighting. (

