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发布时间:2011-03-21 16:10:03 Tags:,,,

社交游戏的成熟发展,推动了Trialpay和Peanut Labs等广告公司的问卷调查、市场调研等相关业务的繁荣发展,而且这一趋势还蔓延到了移动领域。

由Accel Partners投资的英国移动广告服务公司Qriously就是这方面的典型,该公司最近推出一项新服务,支持开发商通过标准的移动条幅问卷广告获得收益,这类广告的特点在于它只要求用户回答一个问题。

该公司创始人Christopher Kahler表示,他们对开发商的eCPM出价范围在1.5至4美元左右,公司不久将与移动广告中间商合作,支持开发商将Qriously的服务与其他广告网络绑定在一起。游戏邦获悉,该公司的这项新产品正处于测试阶段,独立访问用户已超过了1000万。


Qriously’s question

不过这个项目与Peanut Labs等社交游戏广告公司的解决方案不同,Qriously的问题并不具有刺激奖励的属性,它们只是出现在应用界面底部的的单个问题。用户可以拖拽滑动器来表示自己的满意度(见上图)。因为人们都想知道其他人的想法,所以一般用户都会回答这些问题。据Kahler所称,因为这种好奇心理的趋动,该公司这类问题的吸引力至少比普通展示广告要高十倍。



针对调查人员和广告主,Qriously提供了一种可针对不同主题,迅速获取实时数据的解决方案,突破原来的那种“单个问题”调研市场的局限性。Trialpay或Peanut Labs等面向社交游戏开发商的市场调研公司,一般都提供更需要深入理解,篇幅更长的调查内容,但游戏邦认为这种方式并不适合移动用户,因为对他们来说,这种调查形式相对枯燥无趣。







该公司最近已通过Accel Partners和Amalfi Capital融资160万美元。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Qriously Lets Mobile Developers Earn Revenue From Market Researchers

As the social gaming industry matured, survey questions and market research became a popular alternative revenue source to ads for developers through companies like Trialpay and Peanut Labs.

Now we’re starting to see the same thing happen on mobile.

Qriously, a U.K.-based company backed by Accel Partners, lets developers earn revenue from standard, mobile banner-sized ads that ask users a single question. Christopher Kahler, the company’s founder, says it offers developers eCPMS in the range of $1.50 to $4. They’ll be working with mobile ad mediation companies in the near future, so developers will be able to bundle Qriously in with whatever other ad networks they’re using. The product’s currently in beta and reaches more than 10 million unique users, the company says.

Unlike social gaming-oriented solutions like Peanut Labs, Qriously’s questions are not incentivized. They are basic single questions that sit at the bottom of an app. There’s a slider users can drag to show which side they agree more with (see above). People tend to answer the questions because they’re curious about what other people think. Because of this simple curiosity, Kahler says the engagement rate on his company’s questions are at least ten times higher than what’s seen with basic display ads.

For researchers and advertisers, Qriously provides a fast, real-time way they can get data on different topics. The company is trying to disrupt the “single question” research market. Social gaming-focused market research companies like Trialpay or Peanut Labs tend to offer more comprehensive, long-form surveys, which wouldn’t translate well to mobile because they would be too tedious to fill out in a game.

Potential customers might be political consultancies that want to know in real-time how people feel about a controversial issue right up to an election. Or they could be brand advertisers that want to know how people feel about Nike’s brand around Philadelphia, for example. As a demo, Kahler showed me a demo using the question “Is Nike a fashion brand or a sports brand?” Within minutes, he had gotten nearly a dozen answers from people using mobile apps through the company’s network.

Qriously can show the breakdown of answers across a map, which makes it easy to look for differences in local markets. (See the dashboard below.) It can also show the distribution of answers along a spectrum.

“We provide very fast insights and quantitative data that researchers can act on,” he said.

The company recently raised $1.6 million from Accel Partners and Amalfi Capital.(source:insidemobileapps)

