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发布时间:2011-03-19 13:11:20 Tags:,

对于Rovio来讲,Angry Birds在全球获得的巨大成功将可能将他们带向更大的舞台和更好的全球影响力(之前我们曾比较过Angry Birds在Google Trends的相关数据,不管从检索量还是从新闻的引用度都超乎寻常)。据知名科技博客Mashable的爆料Rovio的未来计划当中包括上市可能。



Rovio董事局主席Kaj Hed在接受芬兰当地的商业杂志专访时透露他们的未来目标是获得像Facebook或者Google那样拥有无限全球影响力和声誉的超级品牌。

尽管这样的表述对于仅仅只在手机游戏领域表现不俗的Rovio而言有些夸大其辞,尽管Rovio目前还只能依靠Angry Birds这样略显单一的产品线支撑。但是他们最近刚刚获得Accel Partners、Atomico Ventures和Felicis Ventures4200万美元的联手融资,再加上他们去年全球数千万欧元不菲的营收,充裕的企业财务预算将可能使他们在自己熟悉的领域做得更加彻底,也有相当的余地渗透到其他的周边领域。

由Accel Partners领衔的这次融资只占Rovio大约15%的股权,意味着这家风靡手机游戏市场的芬兰公司估值已经在2亿到2.81亿美元之间。要知道当时他们的发行公司Chillingo在被EA收购时据称只有不足3000万美元。

游戏邦认为对于Rovio来讲,融资并不是一件困难的事情。Rovio单单Angry Birds这款游戏在全球的下载量就超过1亿,活跃用户也在4000万以上,这些用户数据和粘着度对于Rovio或者其他的投资商价值连城。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Rovio, the company behind the mobile gaming megahit Angry Birds, has big plans for the future, and those plans include going public.

“We’re aiming to be as large as Facebook or Google,” said Rovio Board Chairman Kaj Hed to Finnish business magazine Talouselama.

While those words seem overly ambitious for a company that specializes in mobile gaming, Rovio’s recent $42 million funding round gives the company a fair amount of weight. According to Talouselama, the VC firms that participated in the funding round — Accel Partners, Atomico Ventures and Felicis Ventures — have acquired about 15% of the company, which puts the valuation at around 200 million or $281 million.

Kaj Hed said getting the funds wasn’t very hard, as Rovio was able to choose the investors and set its own terms, which also tells a lot about Rovio’s success. As far as Rovio’s finances go, the company generated more than 5 million ($7 million) in revenue from July to December with a profit of about 3 million ($4.2 million).

What do you think? How long can the Angry Birds franchise keep generating profit? Can Rovio replicate its success? Is an IPO a realistic option for the company? Please, share your opinions in the comments(source:mashable)

