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发布时间:2011-03-18 08:32:59 Tags:,,

RIM公司日前宣布,黑莓BBM社交平台已经开始面向所有黑莓应用开发者进行公开测试。游戏邦了解到,RIM在2011年全球移动大会上介绍了BBM 6.0及相关功能,并于近日为其举办了一个新闻发布会。以下是BBM社交平台的相关内容:




* BBM开始测试后,Java开发者就可以访问其API,并将某些BBM功能添加到自己的应用程序中。这些都是基于用户许可的功能,包括访问和更新用户资料、在用户的资料中创建自定义版块、启动和嵌入好友聊天、传输文件、与通讯录中的好友共享应用等。

* 开发者可以测试移动设备的具体工作流程,及其与BBM整合后的在线运行效果。他们可借助黑莓智能手机操作系统5.0和6.0的专用模拟器实现这种操作。

* 2011年4月份起会有更多开发者使用BBM社交平台的功能,届时BBM还将添加支持黑莓WebWorks平台的功能。


* BBM社交平台的发布推动了社交互动的变革。终端用户的体验将不再仅限于短信/聊天功能,而是包括多媒体、游戏、地理定位服务(LBS)、网络电话、视频和商务等全新的社交功能。游戏邦获悉,黑莓用户将可与好友共同探索新应用,即时分享产品体验和有趣内容。他们可以充分体验BBM社区无可比拟的及时性和反应性等优点。


RIM最近宣布推出BBM(BlackBerry Messenger)社交平台,为开发商提供了该平台的软件开发新工具,支持他们充分利用BBM平台的社交元素。

RIM黑莓平台高级副总裁Alan Brenner表示,“黑莓开发者一直希望能够将黑莓Messenger与自己的应用绑定。BBM是一项很受欢迎的应用服务,拥有2800万用户,为第三方应用开通了及时社交联系服务,可以为开发者带来许多发展机会。绑定BBM服务的应用将推动行业变革,强化多媒体用户体验,拓展地理定位服务应用的市场。”



* 通讯录——用户可以在其他应用中选择BBM联系人,与他们进行聊天、游戏等社交互动

* BBM用户资料——用户可以在BBM资料中插入更新状态的应用,支持好友通过BBM启用或者下载该应用

* 组群功能——-用户可以针对某个应用创建BBM好友群

* 数据传输——用户可以直接把某个应用的图片、声音、视频及其他内容传给BBM联系人或联系群。

* 邀请功能——用户可以邀请朋友加入BBM,邀请他们在某个应用中互动或者下载某个应用,也可以接受某个应用中的好友发来的邀请



Kik首席执行官Ted Livingston表示,“Kik致力于移动平台的音乐分享、音乐购买和音乐体验,现在绑定了BBM功能,一定会让用户受益匪浅。Kik用户可以和朋友、同事一起搜索和分享新音乐,通过BBM平台提供的服务,Kik的音乐体验将会更具互动性。”

据Kobo的技术总监Dan Liebu所称,“借助BBM社交平台,我们可以开创新的社交电子书籍阅读体验。我们希望通过促进Kobo用户及时分享他们的阅读和购书体验,增加用户的黏性。”

Magmic Games的一名产品经理Nick Tremmaglia认为,“BBM社交平台促使我们把更多的创新社交功能带到游戏中来,让用户和朋友共同分享乐趣。社交互动是休闲游戏成功的基石,通过绑定BBM服务,我们的用户可以更便捷地与朋友在游戏中竞争、协作。”

Score Media执行副总裁和首席运营总监Benjie Levy表示,“将BBM服务引进我们的主打体育应用中是ScoreMobile的一大决策转变。我们希望通过在应用中植入BBM服务,提高我们的用户黏性,延长用户的访问时间,让ScoreMobile通过病毒式传播迅速扩大用户规模。”

Telmap首席营销官Motti Kushnir的看法是,“Telmap的搜索、地图和导航服务在这几年都取得了很大的成功,深受黑莓智能手机用户的欢迎。能够成为首批整合BBM服务的开发商,我们感到很自豪,因为我们相信把用户、Telmap专业的定位服务以及BBM最好的信息沟通解决方案结合起来,会形成一个多赢的局面。”(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

BlackBerry Messenger Social Platform Now In Beta & Available For BlackBerry Developers!

RIM just let me know that they’ve made the BBM Social Platform available as a public beta for BlackBerry Developers. RIM previewed BBM 6.0 at MWC 2011 in a slideshow presentation which showed some aspects of the new platform as well as a press release and announcement at DEVCON 2010. Here’s some more info about this release of the BBM Social Platform:

Enhanced Developer Experience – Empowering features

With this beta release, Java developers have access to APIs and features that allow them to build important functions into their applications. They are user permission based and include accessing and updating fields in the user’s profile, creating custom areas within the user’s profile, initiating and embedding chats with friends, initiating file transfers, sharing applications virally with friends in their contact list.

Developers also have the ability to test the exact workflow and BBM integration that they can expect to see on a live device. This is made possible by special simulators for BlackBerry smartphone OS 5.0 and 6.0.

More developers will take advantage of the amazing features of the BBM Social Platform starting in April 2011 when full support for the BlackBerry WebWorks platform is planned to be added.

Enhanced End User Experience – More than just chat

With this release the BBM Social Platform revolutionizes social interactions. The end user’s experience can now be extended beyond just messaging/chat to a whole new breed of socially engaging apps including multimedia, gaming, location-based services(LBS), VoIP, video and commerce. What was previously a solitary experience becomes now a social experience. Users gain the ability to discover new apps with friends and share real-time experiences and content with their inner circle. They enjoy the full advantages of the BBM community – always-on and unparalleled immediacy and responsiveness.

Press Release

San Francisco, CA – BlackBerry DEVCON 2010 – Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today announced the BBM? (BlackBerry? Messenger) Social Platform, giving developers the tools to build applications that take advantage of the  social aspects of the popular BBM service.

“The BlackBerry developer community has been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to integrate BlackBerry Messenger with their apps. BBM is a very popular service with over 28 million users and opening its real-time social connectivity to third party applications presents incredible opportunities,” said Alan Brenner, Senior Vice President, BlackBerry Platform at Research In Motion. “Access to BBM services from within apps will revolutionize gaming, enhance multimedia experiences, and add a new dimension to location based applications.”

Developers will be able to integrate various functions of the BBM service into their applications including chat capabilities, content sharing, and invitations. For example, users will be able to invite their BBM friends to join them in a game and then chat with one another while the game is being played.

Other BBM functionality accessible to developers through the BBM Social Platform includes:

Contact list – allows users to choose from their BBM contacts from within another application in order to initiate social interactions such as chatting or initiating game play

BBM user profile – an application can insert application status updates into the user’s BBM profile allowing it to be launched or downloaded from BBM by the user’s friends

Application-specific communities – users can create BBM friend groups specific to an application

Data Transfer – allows users to transfer pictures, audio, video and other content directly from an application to their BBM contacts or groups

Invitations – allows users to invite new friends to BBM, invite their friends to interact within or download an application, and accept invitations, all from within an application

Through the BBM Social Platform, RIM is providing the BlackBerry developer community with the opportunity to leverage the power of BBM in their own applications in order to help drive loyalty to their applications through social and community interactions, as well as increase discoverability of their applications through peer communications and referrals.

Several BlackBerry? Alliance members are already testing the BBM Social Platform as part of an early access program.

“Kik is all about sharing, buying and experiencing music on a mobile platform, so integrating with BBM will deliver huge value to our users,” said Kik CEO Ted Livingston. “Kik users will be able to connect with friends and colleagues to discover and share music, the experience will be much more intimate through BBM.”

“With the new BBM Social Platform we will be able to build a ground breaking social eReading experience,” said Dan Liebu, Chief Technology Officer at Kobo. “We expect to increase engagement as Kobo users share their reading and shopping experiences in real-time.”

“The BBM Social Platform will allow us to bring innovative social features to our games that get friends playing together. Making social connections is a cornerstone to successful casual gaming, and with BBM integration, our fans will be able to easily connect with their friends to compete or cooperate,” said Nick Tremmaglia, Product Manager THK Live, Magmic Games

“The integration of BBM functionality into our leading sports app will be a game-changer for ScoreMobile,” says Benjie Levy, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Score Media Inc. “We expect that embedding key BBM features will deepen user engagement, lengthen visit sessions, and help virally grow ScoreMobile’s user base.”

“Telmap’s search, mapping and navigation solutions have been a huge success in recent years and have proven to be extremely popular with BlackBerry smartphone users. We are proud to be one of the first application developers to integrate with BBM, as we strongly believe that the combination of a community together with Telmap’s expert location capabilities and BBM’s best-in-class messaging solution, will result in a winning offering,” said Motti Kushnir, Telmap CMO.(Source:BlackBerryRocks)

