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业内话题:苹果iPad 2能否取代传统掌机游戏设备?

发布时间:2011-03-16 11:20:46 Tags:,,,

苹果iPad 2的新硬件配置及其迅速聚集的人气,开始让业内猜测:平板电脑是否很快就会取代掌机设备?芬兰开发商Rovio董事长Peter Vesteracka曾于日前的SXSW大会上公开表示,掌机游戏正在“走向灭亡”。他认为手机游戏更为平价,也更容易更新升级,这两点是手机游戏赶超掌机游戏的重要根据。

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ipad 2

尽管Vesteracka并不看好掌机游戏的未来,不过前索尼高管菲尔·哈里森(Phil Harrison)却发表了更为中肯的看法。哈里森承认平板电脑的发展速度确实很快,所以这个新平台有可能成为掌机设备的竞争对手。苹果平板电脑目前的性能是一年前的两倍,而Xbox 360和PlayStaion 3在这五年中几乎没有多大变化。



Could the iPad 2 replace traditional video game consoles?

The iPad 2′s new hardware and its popularity has led to speculation that tablet devices will soon replace consoles. Rovio Mobile’s Peter Vesterbacka is the most vocal champion of this position and recently claimed during a South by Southwest panel that console games are “dying.” Vesterbacka points to the lower price point of mobile games and their ability to be updated rapidly as two factors that will push mobile gaming ahead of consoles.

While Vesterbacka talks smack about consoles, former Sony executive Phil Harrison takes a much more balanced approach towards this subject. Harrison acknowledges that tablet hardware is evolving so rapidly that tablets could rival that of the console. The Apple tablet has more than doubled its performance in a year, while the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 remain unchanged after five years.

Though the hardware evolution may outpace the consoles, the gaming experience of a tablet will be different than that of the console. “I think while there are clearly some compromises in terms of user interface and user experience on a tablet, the touch screen interface will enable other forms of game experience and game design that you couldn’t do on a TV-based console,” said Harrison, “so I think there’s going to be a tradeoff. But I think the pads/tablets market is going to be a very vibrant market for games.”

Harrison points out the strength of the tablet gaming market comes from the diverse business models available to mobile game developers. Developers can choose to generate revenue from free, ad-supported applications, games with in-app micro transactions and paid games with value-added features like social networking. “These are 21st century business models that are going to prevail,” says Harrison.(

