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发布时间:2011-03-11 11:46:17 Tags:,,

如果你还在好奇谷歌的Android Market应用商店能否在市场占有率上和竞争对手苹果的App Shop一较高下,那么我们将向你提供一个非常有用的参考。

拥有着大量感兴趣的消费者,以及孜孜不倦的开发者,谷歌的手机平台正呈现凶猛的扩张趋势,因此我们看到Android Market里有越来越多的应用可供下载就不足为奇了。据游戏邦了解,网络流量监测机构Silicon Valley Insider最近所做的一项对Android Market和Apple App Store的最新分析显示,谷歌以现在Android Market中软件的新增速度,将有望很快超越Apple App Store所拥有的应用总量。



如果我们把时间倒回到2010年,你会发现Android Market只拥有10万左右的应用数量,也就是说在短短5个月内,Android Market应用数目增长量达到了150%。而相比之下,苹果的App Store在同样的时间内只增加了6.5万个新应用,增长量为23%左右。

Silicon Valley Insider的分析让我们看到,如果这两家公司都按照目前的速度推出新移动设备应用,那么谷歌的Android Market在接下来的几个月时间内,将很快在其拥有的应用产品数量上超过他的主要竞争对手Apple App Store。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Android Market enjoys 150% growth in last 5 months

If you’re wondering at what point Google’s Android Market is set to overtake Apple’s rival storefront in terms of volume, we might just have the answer.

With consumer interest in, and developer commitment to, Google’s mobile platform continuing to rise at an explosive rate, it’s no surprise to see the number of available applications increase accordingly.

Indeed, looking at Silicon Valley Insider’s latest research into the respective app stores’ growth, the speed at which new software lines the Android Market’s shelves should ensure Google overtakes Apple’s total soon.

350k v 250k

The Cupertino-based Mac maker currently has 350,000 apps on sale for its iOS devices – with approximately 60,000 of those designed for iPad – while the Android Market boasts 250,000.

If you rewind to October 2010, though, the Android Market stocked 100,000 applications, thus demonstrating a 150 percent upsurge over the past five months.

The App Store, by comparison, has bolstered its digital boutique with 65,000 fresh titles during the same period, equating to a mere 23 percent growth.

Were the two platforms to experience similar levels of expansion in the near future, Google’s Android Market should surpass its chief competitor’s by volume within the next few months. (Source: Pocketgamer)

