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社交游戏兴起 曾经的PC游戏巨头纷纷转移目标

发布时间:2011-03-07 15:39:20 Tags:,


Sid Meier:这个名字在战略游戏领域为玩家所熟知,Meier的代表作是《文明》系列游戏。他从业游戏设计30年,也曾染指过某些传统游戏,如《海盗》和《铁路大亨》,并且创建了令人景仰的游戏开发工作室Firaxis。据游戏邦了解,他被称为“电脑游戏之父”。目前,Meier仍旧待在Firaxis,希望通过《CIV World》将《文明》中的世界带进Facebook。

Brian Reynolds:虽然每个新的《文明》系列游戏安装包上显示的仍然是Sid Meier的名字,但Brian Reynolds才是续作《文明2》的首席设计师。他还参与过《半人马阿尔法星》等知名游戏的研发,并与他人合作创建Big Huge Games,开发《国家的崛起》系列作品。但是两年前,他离开Big Huge前往带领Zynga East团队,成为《FrontierVille》的首席游戏设计师。

CIV World

Brenda Brathwaite:Brenda Brathwaite从15岁起便开始制作游戏,为Sir-tech Software工作室效力将近20年。这段时间里,她在《巫术》和《铁血联盟》系列游戏中施展才华。随后,在Atari运营特许游戏《龙与地下城》。自她在Lolapps担任创意总监起,社交游戏研发生涯正式开始。在这里,她协助公司开发《Ravenwood Fair》,游戏在社交领域已取得巨大成效。目前,她与他人联合创建新社交游戏工作室Loot Drop。

John Romero:与Brathwaite一同创建Loot Drop的是John Romero。或许你不认得这个名字,但你可能听说过他开发的某些游戏。Romero也是id Software的创建者之一,他曾在这里帮助制作某些最具影响力的游戏,如《雷神之锤》和《毁灭战士》。自此之后,他创建过许多工作室,广泛涉猎手机游戏至大型多人游戏等各个领域。近期,他在Lolapps开发《Ravenwood Fair》。

Bruce Shelley:与Reynolds相同,Shelly最初的搭档也是Sid Meier,曾参与过《文明》和《铁路大亨》的研发。但是,他的代表作是在Ensemble Studios开发的即时战略游戏《帝国时代》系列。目前,他担任Zynga顾问,正在开发的游戏还未知。

Richard Garriott:自称“不列颠之王”的Garriott是著名游戏《创世纪》系列的开发者,从1980年的首部作品至1997年的《网络创世纪》以及随后的作品中都浮现着他的身影。《City of Heroes/Villains》和《Tabula Rosa》这两款网游宏伟巨著也是他的作品。他曾前往太空旅行,而在地球上的探险则是新社交游戏工作室Portalarium。

Ravenwood Fair

Mark Skaggs:此名单中众多开发者只是刚刚涉足社交游戏领域,Mark Skaggs已然成为行业巨头。他曾经在EA公司担任过《红色警戒2:共和国之辉》和《魔戒:中土大战》的执行制作者,随后带领研发Facebook三大游戏——《FarmVille》、《Treasure Isle》和《CityVille》。目前,他担任Zynga产品研发副总裁。

Tom Hall:Hall曾随同Romero在id Software工作过,协助其研发《毁灭战士》和《德军司令部》。随后,在3D Realms公司的特许游戏《毁灭公爵》和其他游戏中施展自己的才华。但是,他对社交类型的游戏并不陌生,因为他曾经在Kingisle Entertainment公司工作过。游戏邦获悉,这家公司开发过大型多人网游《Wizard 101》。现在,他的身份是Loot Drop的创建者之一。

Soren Johnson:Johnson是这份名单中又一个在Firaxis成名的开发者,他是《文明4》的首席设计师。随后,他转战EA研发进化类游戏《孢子》。目前,他仍供职于EA公司的EA2D工作室,致力于制作高质量社交游戏,现在负责的项目是《龙腾世纪:传奇》。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

9 influential PC game developers now making Facebook games

People often complain about the quality of games on Facebook. And it’s true, there’s a lot of junk out there. But there’s also a lot of great games, and things are only getting better. With the rise in prominence of Facebook as a game platform some of the most influential developers of our time have decided to test the waters and create new and innovative social experiences. They’ve already created some of the biggest games on the platform, and it doesn’t look like they’re about to stop anytime soon. Here are nine of the most prominent PC game developers who are now crafting games for Facebook.

Sid Meier – One of the biggest names in strategy gaming, Meier is best known for the Civilization series. But over the course of his three decades in the games industry he’s also had a hand in classic games like Sid Meier’s Pirates! and Sid Meier’s Railroad Tycoon and he founded game the revered game development studio Firaxis. He is regularly referred to as “the father of computer gaming.” So what’s he doing now? Still at Firaxis, Meier is trying to bring the world of Civilization to Facebook with the ambitious Civilization World.

Brian Reynolds – While Sid Meier’s name still appears on the box for each new installment of the Civilization series, it was actually Brian Reynolds who took on the role of lead designer of the much heralded sequel, Civilization II. He also worked on popular games like Alpha Centauri and co-founded Big Huge Games, which went on to create the Rise of Nations series. But two years ago he left Big Huge behind to head up Zynga East, where he was the chief game designer on FrontierVille.

Brenda Brathwaite – Brenda Brathwaite has been making games since she was just 15 year old, and spent nearly two decades at development studio Sir-tech Software. During that time she lent her talents to both the Wizardry and Jagged Alliance series, and after that she worked with Atari on the Dungeons & Dragons franchise. She began her career in social game development as the creative director at Lolapps, where she helped create the massively successful Ravenwood Fair. She’s now one of the founding members of social game start-up Loot Drop.

John Romero – Working alongside Brathwaite at Loot Drop is John Romero. If you don’t recognize his name, chances are you’ve heard of some of his games. Romero was one of the founding members of id Software, where he helped create some of the most influential games around, including Quake and Doom. Since that time he’s founded several studios, worked in everything from mobile games to massively multiplayer games to, most recently, helping launch Ravenwood Fair with Lolapps.

Bruce Shelley – Like Reynolds, Shelly got his start working alongside Sid Meier, having worked on both the original Civilization, as well as Railroad Tycoon. But he’s probably best known for his work at Ensemble Studios, where he helped create the real-time strategy series Age of Empires. He’s currently working as a consultant for Zynga, though what game, or games, he’s working on aren’t yet known.

Richard Garriott – Also known as “Lord British,” Garriott created and worked on the legendary Ultima series, starting with the original game in 1980 all the way up to Ultima Online in 1997, and beyond. He’s also worked on City of Heroes/Villains and Tabula Rosa, two incredibly influential massively online games. He’s also been to space, but here on Earth his most recent venture is the new social game studio Portalarium.

Mark Skaggs – While many of the developers on this list are just getting started in the social games space, Mark Skaggs has helped define it. He worked at Electronic Arts as executive producer on strategy games like Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 and Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth, but since then he’s gone on to head up three of the biggest Facebook games of all time: FarmVille, Treasure Isle, and CityVille. He’s currently the VP of product development for Zynga.

Tom Hall – Hall worked alongside Romero at id where he had a hand in the development of games like Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, and later went on to work for 3D Realms, where he lent his talents to the Duke Nukem franchise, among other games. But he’s no stranger to social-style games, as he then went on to work at Kingisle Entertainment, the developer behind the massively multiplayer Wizard 101, as well. Now he’s one of the founding members of Loot Drop.

Soren Johnson – Johnson is yet another one the developers on this list to have made his name at Firaxis, where he was the lead designer on Civilization IV. Later, he worked at Electronic Arts on Spore, the ambitious evolution game. He’s still working at EA, with the company’s EA2D studio, which is focused on creating high quality social games. Its current project is Dragon Age Legends, a tie-in game to the upcoming console blockbuster. (Source: Gamezebo)

