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MoMinis Studios推手机游戏开发和销售跨平台解决方案

发布时间:2011-02-24 10:56:35 Tags:,,,

日前,MoMinis公司通过一系列的测试,推出了行业首个可完全兼容多个平台的开发和销售工具The MoMinis Studio。据游戏邦了解,The MoMinis Studio可自动在各个手机操作系统上运作,并通过全球内置分销渠道将产品销售给各个用户。MoMinis在日本巨头三井投资公司(Mitsui Ventures)的支持下,宣布了几个新型战略性分销项目,其中包括向日本最大的手机运营商NTT DoCoMo公司的5600万手机用户发行100多款本土手机游戏。MoMinis Studios的问世,解决了“一次开发,移植多个平台”这个长期存在的手机平台分散性问题,有意者可以通过该公司的新开发者网站免费下载MoMinis Studio。



MoMinis的联合创始人Eyal Rabinovich表示,“2010年手机游戏的营收创下历史新高,达到56亿美元。为了适应当前的手机设备和商业模式分散的生态系统,开发商不得不投入大量开发成本,这直接影响他们的游戏运营的可行性。MoMinis支持开发商轻松向各种手机平台植入游戏,快速实现营收。开发商如今可以专注于游戏质量,无需担心平台移植和营收的问题。”

手机平台分散性一般是指技术标准不统一。但游戏邦获悉,如今开发商对于内容销售控制权的竞争,已使这一问题延伸到了分销领域。最明显的例子就是沃达丰、威瑞森、西班牙电信(Telefonica)和亚马逊紧随谷歌Android Market的步伐,建立各种各样的Android应用商店。MoMinis通过提供单一的开发和分销系统,可支持多个主流手机平台,从而避开了这种开发和分销渠道的分散性问题。

Gartner的资深研究分析师Tuong Nguyen认为,“手机市场的分散性,一直是开发商将游戏植入所有平台和各种分销渠道的最大障碍之一。对开发商来说,能否一次性开发游戏,然后将其植入多个平台,在多个渠道发售是成功的关键所在。精明的开发商将会开始考虑这个模式,与持有同样态度的渠道经销商共同合作。”

MoMinis Studio的服务内容包括:

* 快速将游戏植入各大主流手机平台,如Android、黑莓、Symbian、J2ME,iOS也将于2011年第2季度列入其中

* 免费,便捷地使用IDE

* 降低各种技术水平的开发商进入手机市场的门槛

* 支持各种屏幕,输入法和API

* 提供指导教程,资源和服务社区

MoMinis已向全球无数开发商提供技术支持,并与许多专业的游戏工作室合作,如Absolutist Ltd.,Wheemplay和Baby First TV等。

Stephan Keiss(Mob Mentality联合创始人,欧洲领先的flash游戏工作室Wheemplay首席执行官)认为,“我们正在寻找一种既不费时也不费钱的途径进军手机市场。在权衡了其他选择后,我们认为MoMinis就是最有力的工具。”

市场曝光率和营收对开发商来说十分重要。因此,MoMinis通过它的在线商店和与全球运营商和发行商的合作关系,为开发商提供创收渠道。据游戏邦了解,最近MoMinis刚刚和一些战略性合作伙伴结盟,其中包括日本NTT DoCoMo、威瑞森、西班牙电信、Orange、土耳其电信(Turkcell)和沃达丰。MoMinis Studio将向开发商抽取30%的营收提成,但如果他们充分利用了MoMinis的新“游戏推广项目”,就可以保留90%的营收。


MoMinis成立于2008年,是一家由日本三井投资公司和BRM Capital联合资助的私营企业,主要为开发商提供快速开发、发行手机游戏的跨平台解决方案。MoMinis Studio是一款提供免费和便捷服务的跨平台手机游戏开发工具,支持开发商一次性创建游戏,然后植入各种各样的手机平台中。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

MoMinis Tackles Mobile Fragmentation for 2D Games with Industry’s First “Develop Once, Deploy Anywhere” Mobile Game Ecosys

The MoMinis Studio lets developers create, distribute and monetize games for multiple mobile platforms easily and quickly

TEL-AVIV, Israel–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Following an extensive beta program, MoMinis today made the industry’s first wholly-agnostic game development and distribution platform publicly available. Mobile games created within The MoMinis Studio automatically run on virtually all operating systems and are distributed to consumers through global built-in channels. MoMinis, backed by the Japanese giant Mitsui Ventures, also announced several new strategic distribution agreements, including publishing 100 localized games created in the studio with Japan’s largest mobile operator, NTT DoCoMo, to its 56 million mobile subscribers. The MoMinis Studio finally resolves longstanding fragmentation issues by fulfilling the elusive ‘develop-once-deploy-anywhere’ vision, and is available as a free download from the company’s new developer website,

As the industry’s first agnostic mobile game development & distribution platform, The MoMinis Studio finally solves fragmentation issues that have historically plagued developers. Games created in the free 2D mobile game IDE automatically run on virtually all mobile platforms including Android, Blackberry, J2ME and Symbian. The MoMinis Studio’s ‘develop once, deploy anywhere’ environment lets each game instantly operate on hundreds of handsets with varying OSes, and provides global distribution.

“Mobile gaming revenue topped $5.6 billion in 2010. In trying to support a fragmented ecosystem of devices and business models in this expanding market, game developers face costly challenges that threaten their games’ financial viability,” said Eyal Rabinovich, MoMinis Co-Founder. “MoMinis lets developers seamlessly deploy games on the widest variety of devices, easily access the market, and get paid swiftly. This essentially re-invents how developers create, distribute and monetize mobile games. Developers can now concentrate on game quality rather than on porting and monetization problems.”

Historically, mobile fragmentation has referred to technological disparities. Now, the competition for control of content consumption is escalating fragmentation into the realm of distribution. Glaring examples are the redundant Android app-stores built by Vodafone, Verizon, Telefonica and Amazon alongside Google’s Android Market. By providing a single ecosystem for development and distribution that automatically supports the major mobile platforms, MoMinis eliminates the pitfalls involved in both fragmentation types.

“Fragmentation in the mobile market has been a consistent barrier to developers’ goals of having their games be ubiquitous across devices and distribution outlets,” said Tuong Nguyen, Senior Research Analyst, Gartner. “The ability to design games just once, and have them run on many devices and be widely distributed can mean the difference between a game developer’s success and failure. Astute developers will consider this model and seriously look at working with such respectable distribution partners.”

The MoMinis Studio services include:

Instant game compilation to numerous handsets within leading mobile platforms, such as Android, Blackberry, Symbian and J2ME, with iOS being added in Q2 2011.
A free, easy to use IDE.

Lowered barriers into the mobile market for developers of all skill levels.

Various screen resolution, input method and API support.

Tutorials, resources and onsite communities.

MoMinis supports thousands of developers across the globe and collaborates with dozens of professional game studios, such as Absolutist Ltd., Wheemplay and Baby First TV.

Stephan Keiss, Co-founder of Mob Mentality and CEO of Wheemplay, a leading European flash games studio said, “We were looking for a means to enter the mobile market without wasting time and money. After weighing many options, MoMinis became instrumental in making this happen.”

Monetization Made Easy

Market exposure and monetization is paramount to developers. As such, MoMinis supplies monetization channels via its online stores and global partnerships with operators and publishers. Most recently, MoMinis aligned with strategic partners including NTT DoCoMo, Verizon, Telefonica, Orange, Turkcell and Vodafone. Developers utilizing The MoMinis Studio earn 70% of the net revenue generated from their games, and stand to earn 90%, if they take advantage of MoMinis’ new ‘Promote Your Game Program’.

About MoMinis

Founded in 2008, MoMinis is a privately-held company funded by Mitsui Ventures and BRM Capital. MoMinis offers a landmark cross-platform solution for the fast creation and publishing of mobile games. The MoMinis Studio is a free, easy to use and platform-agnostic mobile game development tool enabling developers to create games and have them seamlessly supported on a wide range of handsets. The MoMinis Studio is available as a free download at

