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发布时间:2011-02-19 09:21:51 Tags:,,,,



Zynga is the second most valuable game company

Zynga is the second most valuable game company

据最近资料显示,动视暴雪现在的市值约130亿美元,从Zynga步步紧逼的这种局面可以看出,传统游戏产业在市场竞争中的前景堪忧,那种动辄砸投资上千万美元,但用户规模却更为有限的AAA游戏,很有可能即将走向末路。当然,像《使命召唤》(Call of Duty)和《魔兽世界》(World of WarCraft)这种大牌游戏当然有能力吸金数十亿美元,但别忘了,它们的投入成本也同样高得惊人。

再看看同样可以创造高利润的社交游戏《FarmVille》,它的投入成本却仅仅是《魔兽世界》的一点零头而已,从这一点上看,Zynga等社交游戏公司称雄世界游戏产业只是一个时间早晚的问题。比较遗憾的是,传统游戏公司除了适应这种变化,目前还没有什么更好的对策可以打响自卫保护战。游戏邦认为,未来还会有更多像布莱恩·雷诺兹(Brian Reynolds)、约翰·罗梅洛(John Romero)和理查德·盖瑞特(Richard Garriott)等传统游戏元老涌向社交游戏领域。尽管《Aeroth》和《Mushroom Kingdom》仍然还会有发展空间,但这类游戏也迟早会为成本更低廉、利润更丰厚的社交游戏让步。不管你相信与否,社交游戏在未来几年来内必将实现更多突破性的发展。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Zynga is the second most valuable game company in the world

OK, Zynga, we get it. You’re insanely huge and popular and worth (wait … seriously?) $10 billion. All Things Digital reports that as it ends a $500 million funding spree, sources claim that the mastermind behind CityVille is worth way more than the ubiquitous EA. You know, the guys who own Playfish and created Madden? They’re only worth $6.2 billion, according to

TechCrunch. Valuation is nothing more than an educated guessing game by big name investors as to how profitable a company is. Regardless, this number makes Zynga only second to Activision Blizzard as the most valuable games company in the world. You can cue the maniacal laughter now, thanks.

Gaming’s current monolith, Activision Blizzard, is worth somewhere around $13 billion according to several news outlets. So, you can bet the traditional gaming industry is losing its mind at this point. It looks like the age of blockbuster triple-A games that cost tens of millions of dollars to develop–much less market–is coming to a close. Sure, games like Call of Duty and World of WarCraft can rake in billions, but look at the costs.

Especially when a seemingly unassuming game like FarmVille can bring in the same cash and cost a fraction of what a WoW expansion does to develop, market and release. It’s only a matter of time before Zynga becomes the most valuable game company on the planet. It’s sad to say, but the traditional gaming companies will likely adapt rather than stand and fight. This means even more designers like Brian Reynolds, John Romero and Richard Garriott will rush onto the scene. While there will always be room for Azeroth and the Mushroom Kingdom, you can bet that these types of games slow down in favor of cheaper, more profitable social games. Regardless of whether you’re in agreement, social gaming is taking over in more ways than one.(

