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Facebook调整用户News Feed的默认显示信息设置

发布时间:2011-02-16 11:41:58 Tags:,,,

Facebook一直就是个变化无常的平台,在该网站的技术设置、用户界面等问题上尤其如此。无论是出于保护用户隐私的考虑,还是为了简化导航功能,总之这个网站的任何一种变动和调整,都会对Facebook游戏玩家造成影响。据游戏邦了解,Facebook最近又变更了用户的News Feed的显示信息功能设置。

Facebook Hidden From News Feed

Facebook Hidden From News Feed

这项调整将用户的News Feed原来默认的“显示所有好友及用户喜欢的页面”,转变为只显示“用户经常接触的好友及页面”。尽管多数的普通Facebook用户可能不会察觉到这一变化,但对于拥有成堆游戏伙伴(你也许经常浏览这些伙伴的贴子和消息,但很可能从来没有和他们进行交流)的玩家来说,他们会注意到有好多游戏玩伴最近都没有消息了。

游戏邦认为,如果你想接收任何与游戏相关的消息,可以通过以下的Facebook功能设置说明来进行调整。方法很简单,只需要点击Facebook任何一个页面左上角的图标,进入News Feed页面,点击“Edit Options”(如下图所示)即可进行重新设置。

Edit Options

Edit Options

然后系统就会弹出一个窗口,你就可以看到一个好友和页面列表,以及之前被你屏蔽的页面,如果你还没有执行过相关操作,这个列表就是空白的。在这里,你可以看到一个“显示信息”(Show posts from)的下拉菜单,点击该菜单,将“显示最经常接触的好友及页面信息”的设置更改为“显示所有好友及页面信息”,然后点击保存,即可完成操作。

Edit Your News Feed Settings

Edit Your News Feed Settings

另外游戏邦提醒您,这个设置不会对“屏蔽信息”(Hide post from)列表造成影响,所以不需要担心那些已被列入黑名单的用户或者页面会卷土重来。这种操作只会让你看到所有自己不排挤的好友信息和页面内容,这样Facebook默认的News Feed功能设置就不会对你造成影响了。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Facebook: Changes to News Feed may cause you to miss out on game posts

Facebook is an ever-changing landscape, especially where the technical, user-interface portions of the site are concerned. It seems that with every new change to the site, whether it be for users’ privacy or just for an ease of navigation, there is an effect on Facebook games that rears its ugly head. So too is the case with the latest change that Facebook has recently implemented – that being with a “trimming” of the information shown on your news feed.

This new change has happened automatically on your account, and will change your News Feed from displaying posts from all of your friends and liked Pages to just those “Friends and pages you interact with most.” While this likely won’t be noticed by the average Facebook user, for those game players that have tons of in-game neighbors that they may not necessarily talk to everyday (ie: you may look at their posts, but you don’t comment or like them) you might have found that your neighbors have vanished, or at least become mute over the last few days.

If you’d like to ensure that you’re seeing all game related posts (and are therefore able to claim each and every bonus technically possible), follow our quick steps for reversing this change behind the break.

This is one of the easier switches to make on your account, really only taking a few simple clicks. First things first, head to the very bottom of your News Feed (click on the Facebook icon in the top left of any page on Facebook – this is your News Feed page). Click on the “Edit Options” button, as seen below.

This will bring up a new window, where you’ll see a list of friends, pages, and the like that you’ve previously hidden from your News Feed. If you haven’t done this, the window will be blank. You’ll see a drop-down menu with “Show posts from:” next to it. This is what needs to be changed. Click on the drop down menu, and change your setting from “Friends and pages you interact with most” to “All of your friends and pages.” Make sure to click Save after changing your setting to confirm your choice.

This won’t change any of your “Hide posts from” settings, so don’t worry about unhiding those friends and pages that you’ve hidden in the past. This will simply allow you to ensure that you’re seeing all of the posts that you want to, without Facebook removing anything without your knowledge.(

