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电子游戏行业的最高荣誉——将于三月份举行的第十一届2011年游戏开发者精选大奖(Game Developers Choice Awards)已经揭晓了两项特别大奖的得主,包括为创造了突破性电子游戏流派或概念的人设立的先锋奖(Pioneer Award),以及为“推动电子游戏产业发展至新里程”的贡献者设立的大使奖(Ambassador Award)。

今年的先锋奖将颁发给日本世嘉株式会社的资深游戏设计传奇人物铃木裕(Yu Suzuki),表彰他在过去三十年中惊人的工作成果,他制作了《Hang On》、《Virtua Fighter》、《Out Run》、《After Burner》以及《Shenmue》等经典游戏。

除此之外,大使奖的获奖者同样已由委员会筛选出来,将颁发给游戏开发者大会联盟 (Game Developers Conference Associates,以下简称CA)的组织者Tim Brengle和Ian MacKenzie。


Yu Suzuki

Yu Suzuki


游戏邦了解到,铃木裕在1983年首次加入世嘉株式会社,凭借诸多行业首创和流派开山之作闻名于世。1985年,铃木裕制作了创新的街机游戏《Hang On》,它是第一个临摹玩家在摩托车上的动作,并将其复制到屏幕上的游戏。

从那时起,铃木裕的作品开创了世嘉公司大型电玩的“黄金时代”,包括《Out Run》、《Space Harrier》、《After Burner》、《Power Drift》以及《Virtua Racing》等经典游戏。此后,他在1993的作品《Virtua Fighter》开创了3D格斗游戏这一流派,并因在艺术与娱乐领域的贡献获得了史密森学会(Smithsonian Institution)的嘉奖。

他以大量备受赞誉的游戏继续职业生涯,如《Virtua Fighter》、街机游戏《F355 Challenge》以及首创的动作冒险类游戏《Shenmue》。这个游戏于1999年在Sega Dreamcast平台上首次面世,展示了其开放式的游戏玩法和复杂性,以及3D动作游戏中的QTE(quick-time events)。

除了领受人人梦寐以求的先锋奖之外,铃木裕还将在3月2日上午10点30分进行演讲,主题是“铃木裕游戏作品:职业生涯回顾”,并与行业元老Mark Cerny探讨铃木裕在过去二十年中里程碑式的游戏作品。

该大会主管Meggan Scavio表示,“通过《Out Run》、《Virtua Fighter》以及《Shenmue》等经典作品,铃木裕确实地开创了许多电子游戏设计的先河,在第25届GDC中,他是最被咨询委员会看好的获奖候选人。”

Tim Brengle和Ian MacKenzie

Tim Brengle-Ian MacKenzie

Tim Brengle-Ian MacKenzie

同样将在今年颁奖典礼上受到瞩目的还有大使奖得主Tim Brengle和Ian MacKenzie,据游戏邦了解,这个奖项的表彰对象是“推动游戏产业发展至新里程的贡献者,他们或是在行业内部推动游戏发展,或是在行业外支持电子游戏并帮助这一艺术形式进一步发展。”

今年的咨询委员会将这一奖项颁给了游戏开发者大会联盟组织者Tim Brengle和Ian MacKenzie,这两者所组织成立的GDC联盟,由从世界各地超过1600名申请人中选出的数百名志愿者构成,他们作为每届GDC的工作人员,在各个方面协助大会顺利进行。

这个团队的成员主要为在校生、刚毕业的学生及其他有抱负的游戏开发者,对他们而言,这是全方位体验游戏开发者大会的理想途径。最重要的是,该联盟在与会者和志愿者之间建立起了长久的友谊,这是其他任何志愿者组织无可比拟的。事实上,许多前大会联盟成员,包括Portal的合伙创始人Kim Swift,都因此而在游戏产业中获得了长足的发展。



大会主管Meggan Scavio对他们的评价是,“Tim Brengle和Ian MacKenzie全身心地投入在培养志愿者团队这一工作,年复一年,他们的团队已经成为GDC不可或缺的生命线。精选大奖咨询委员会授予他们今年的大使奖,我们对此感到十分骄傲和激动。”



Double Fine的Tim Schafer将出席本次颁奖典礼,大会已经公布了从2010年的最佳游戏中评选出的获奖名单,典礼将紧随独立游戏节大奖之后进行。部分没有出席GDC的开发者可以通过GameSpot.com在线观看颁奖典礼的现场直播,此网站是GDCA的官方媒体合作伙伴。

总而言之,今年的先锋奖与大使奖等奖项获得者已由GDC咨询委员会选定,如终身成就奖得主为Peter Molyneux。名单囊括了诸多游戏产业名人,例如布莱恩·雷诺兹(Zynga)、道格·兰巴迪(Valve)、Mark Cerny(Cerny Games)、哈维·史密斯(Arkane)、拉夫·科斯特(Metaplace)、Julien Merceron(Square Enix)、John Vechey(PopCap)、Clint Hocking(LucasArts)等。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Game Developers Choice Awards Honor Yu Suzuki, Brengle/MacKenzie

This March’s 11th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the peer-awarded highest honors in video game development, have revealed the recipients of its two final Special Awards – the Pioneer Award, for creating breakthrough video game genres or concepts, and the Ambassador Award, for those who “helped the game industry advance to a better place”.

This year’s Pioneer Award will be given to Sega Corporation veteran and game design legend Yu Suzuki, honoring his amazing work over the last three decades, inventing entire game genres and making seminal titles spanning Hang On through Virtua Fighter to Out Run, After Burner and Shenmue – and beyond.

In addition, the Ambassador Award, also picked by the prestigious Game Developers Choice Awards Committee, will celebrate the managers of the Game Developers Conference Associates (CA) program, Tim Brengle and Ian MacKenzie.

Yu Suzuki

Sega veteran Yu Suzuki will be making a rare Western appearance to accept his award in person on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at the San Francisco Moscone Center during Game Developers Conference 2011, where he will also be presenting a special one-off game design lecture.

Suzuki himself first joined Sega Corporation in 1983 and is well known for his many industry firsts and genre-originating titles. In 1985, Suzuki created innovative arcade game Hang On, one of the first ever titles where the player’s movement on a motorcycle facsimile was copied by the onscreen avatar.

From there, Suzuki’s output defined a ‘golden age’ of Sega arcade games, including all time classics such as Out Run, Space Harrier, After Burner, Power Drift, and Virtua Racing. Following this, his pioneering work in 1993 created Virtua Fighter, which spawned the 3D fighting game genre, and has been recognized for its contribution in the fields of Art & Entertainment by the Smithsonian Institution.

His work continued with multiple acclaimed iterations of the Virtua Fighter franchise, as well as the F355 Challenge arcade game and pioneering action adventure franchise Shenmue. This title first launched in 1999 for the Sega Dreamcast console and showcased open-world gameplay and complexity of an unprecedented nature – including some of the first-ever ‘QTEs’ (‘quick-time events’) in 3D action games.

In addition to receiving the coveted Pioneer Award, Suzuki will also be presenting a lecture, ‘Yu Suzuki’s Gameworks: A Career Retrospective’, on Wednesday March 2nd at 10.30am as part of GDC 2011, talking with industry veteran Mark Cerny about the landmark game titles that Suzuki has created over the past two decades.

“By creating classic titles from Out Run through Virtua Fighter and Shenmue, Yu Suzuki has truly created some of video games’ iconic game design, and was a key favorite from our Advisory Committee to be awarded this year, during the 25th holding of GDC”, said Meggan Scavio, event director of the Game Developers Conference.

Tim Brengle & Ian MacKenzie

Also being honored at the 2011 Choice Awards are the recipients of the Ambassador Award, which recognizes individuals “who have helped the game industry advance to a better place, either through facilitating a better game community from within, or by reaching outside the industry to be advocates for video games to help further the art form.”

This year, the Choice Awards Advisory Committee voted the managers of the Game Developers Conference CA program, Tim Brengle and Ian MacKenzie, as the recipients of the Ambassador Award. Brengle and MacKenzie oversee the GDC’s Conference Associates program, which consists of hundreds of volunteers—selected from more than 1,600 applicants from around the world—who staff the GDC each year and help with many aspects of the conference.

The group is made up largely of students, recent graduates and other aspiring game developers, for whom the CA program is an affordable way to experience everything the Game Developers Conference has to offer. More than anything, the CA program has created long lasting friendships between participants and a camaraderie that is unmatched in any other volunteer organization. Indeed, a number of former CAs, including Portal co-creator Kim Swift, go on to high-profile jobs within the gaming industry.

Creator of the Conference Associates program in 1989, Brengle served as a director of the conference as a whole until 1995. Under the current conference organizers, he continues to direct and co-manage the program today. His focus is to foster an atmosphere of wholehearted excellence among the CAs, encouraging each to perform at the highest level and serve others enthusiastically.

Celebrating his 21st anniversary working with the CA program this year, MacKenzie started off his career as a divisional engineering manager specializing in software. Leaving to found a company with Brengle, the two created one of the best selling PC entertainment titles during Christmas of 1999. MacKenzie continues to stay involved with the game industry, but mainly focuses his time now with his wife of five years and their son.

“Tim Brengle and Ian MacKenzie have put their hearts and souls into fostering a community of volunteers that have become an essential part of the lifeblood of GDC, year in and year out. We are very proud and excited that their peers on the Choice Awards Advisory Committee decided to honor them with the Ambassador Award this year”, added Scavio of the duo.

11th Annual Choice Awards Viewing Details

The 2011 Game Developers Choice Awards, produced in association with the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and presented by and Game Developer Magazine, will take place on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 6:30 pm, at the San Francisco Moscone Center and is open to all Game Developers Conference attendees.

The Game Developers Choice Awards ceremony, which has announced its finalists from among the best games of 2010, is presented by Double Fine’s Tim Schafer, and held immediately following the Independent Games Festival Awards. For the second year running, those not attending GDC — part of the UBM TechWeb Game Network, as is this website — can watch both sets of awards show live online via, the official streaming media partner to the GDCAs.

Overall, this year’s Pioneer Award and Ambassador Award recipients are chosen, like the Lifetime Achievement Award winner Peter Molyneux, by the elite Game Developers Choice Awards Advisory Committee. This body includes game industry notables such as Brian Reynolds (Zynga), Doug Lombardi (Valve), Mark Cerny (Cerny Games), Harvey Smith (Arkane), Raph Koster (Metaplace), Julien Merceron (Square Enix), John Vechey (PopCap), Clint Hocking (LucasArts) and more.

For more information about the 11th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards, check out the official Choice Awards website – and for information about the 2011 Game Developers Conference, for which online registration is still open until February 27th, please visit the official GDC website.(source:gamesetwatch)

