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发布时间:2011-02-11 21:24:45 Tags:,,,

今天,诺基亚正式宣布与微软进行合作,采用Windows Phone 7作为诺基亚主要智能手机的操作系统,以此抗衡谷歌和苹果这两个竞争对手。




随后该用户还建议,Rovio应该在今后一两年内收购诺基亚,岂料Rovio居然回复,“是的,我们需要更大的发展空间,Nokia House是个好地方。”

据游戏邦了解,Rovio与芬兰手机制造商诺基亚颇有渊源,该工作室过去曾与诺基亚合作,将《Bounce Evolution》项目植入诺基亚N900手机中,当时是由诺基亚负责这款游戏的大部分发行工作。


Angry Birds developer Rovio has taken to Twitter to spout some harsh words towards former publishing partner, Nokia.

Today, Nokia and Microsoft formed an alliance which will see Nokia adopt Windows Phone 7 as its primary smartphone OS, in the fight against Google and Apple.

One commenter, Twitter member janole, wrote, “Nokia can only be saved if [Rovio Mobile] announces Angry Birds for WP7 today!” The developer tweeted back, “afraid there’s only so much we can do… Nokia probably beyond saving at this point.”

The same snarky tweeter said Rovio might buy Nokia in a year or two, to which the iPhone developer wrote back, “yes, we need more space and the Nokia House is very nice.”

Finnish developer Rovio has had a pretty close relationship with Finnish phone-maker Nokia in the past. The studio’s Bounce Evolution was “a collaborative project between Nokia and Rovio to test the performance of the N900 phone”, and Nokia has performed publishing duties on most of Rovio’s Bounce titles.

Rovio also released Angry Birds on the Nokia Ovi Store, following its the success on iPhone.

The developer has hinted at plans to bring the multi-million selling physics puzzler game to Windows Phone 7, too. (source:pocketgamer)

