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发布时间:2011-02-09 16:12:15 Tags:,,,,

据Venturebeat报道,线上游戏(server-based gaming)服务供应商OnLive日前获得了台湾智能手机制造商HTC公司的4000万美元投资。

这两者的联手可谓线上游戏领域的一个重磅消息。OnLive可以通过有线或无线宽带网络,为普通电脑和迷你掌机用户提供高清、高质量的视频游戏,用户无需通过价格不菲的电脑或Xbox 360、PlayStation等高成本的游戏平台,就能获得不打折扣的超级游戏体验,现在OnLive和HTC结成合作伙伴关系,也就意味着HTC智能手机用户也将有幸享受这种待遇。

HTC mobile phones

HTC mobile phones

尽管两家公司尚未发表正式声明,但相信这个消息已足以令Zynga和Playdom等社交游戏先锋有所恐慌,尽管这两者在手机领域都已经有所作为,采用了Facebook Connect功能和HTML5技术,但仍然不敌高清游戏的巨大吸引力。

当然,社交游戏还是有自身的独特优势,但像《Infinity Blade》这种高质量的iPhone游戏的大受欢迎,已足以证明这类游戏在手机平台的市场潜力不容小觑,有可能夺走部分社交游戏用户。

据游戏邦了解,HTC手机的触角几乎遍及AT&T、威瑞森、Sprint等主流手机运营商的门店。苹果和摩托罗拉、三星、LG等其他智能手机制造商虽然还没有公开向OnLive伸出橄榄枝,但谁知道HTC是不是OnLive的独家合作伙伴呢?OnLive当然有可能以星火燎原之势覆盖多个手机平台。电影迷已经在为Netflix的手机服务内容付费,所以游戏玩家也有可能为OnLive的手机游戏买单。假如OnLive的服务还植入了Facebook Connect功能,那么这种局面将对社交游戏开发商更为不利。

虽然上文所述的情况都还只是猜测,但已有传闻称HTC EVO 4G手机将首先植入OnLive的服务,这种情况很可能给手机社交游戏造成威胁。硬核游戏与社交游戏究竟能否在手机平台上和平共处?有人认为OnLive很可能在这两个领域中都有可能虏获大量的用户。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Are mobile social games in trouble as OnLive comes to HTC phones?

And you thought the retailers were scared? The server-based games service OnLive just sealed a $40 million funding deal with smartphone manufacturer HTC, VentureBeat reports. The OnLive subscription service streams graphically intense, HD video games through your wired or wireless broadband Internet connection to your computer or through its $99 mini console. What this does is essentially eliminate the need for a pricey gaming computer or even an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 in replace for a subscription fee, and now that power will be on your HTC smartphone.

And while no official statements have been made, this could be scaring the bejeezus out of social game creators like Zynga and Playdom who have just broken into the mobile scene. While their efforts have certainly been impressive, making effective use of Facebook Connect and the HTML5 format, they don’t hold up very well to full-blown HD games. Sure, social games have their own unique qualities. But the runaway success of high-caliber mobile games like Infinity Blade for iPhone is a sign that there’s a large audience for this type of game. Some of which who might have once been social gamers.

Not to mention HTC is on nearly every major cellular carrier in the nation from AT&T to Verizon and Sprint. Of course, Apple and other smartphone manufacturers like Motorola, Samsung and LG haven’t made any public offers to OnLive yet. But what if HTC’s deal with the company is non-exclusive? OnLive could potentially spread like wildfire. Movie fans already pay for mobile Netflix, so why wouldn’t gamers pay for mobile OnLive too? Worse even, imagine if OnLive could implement Facebook Connect into its service, adding a social layer to all of its games.

Of course, this is all speculation. But OnLive on mobile phones–like this HTC EVO 4G rumored as the first to get OnLive, according to VentureBeat–poses a serious threat to the mobile social gaming movement. Could hardcore and social gamers coexist on mobile? Sure, but I’m willing to bet OnLive is after a good amount of the audience that just happens to dabble in both worlds.(

