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intomobile消息:传黑莓Messenger 6或植入游戏功能

发布时间:2011-01-29 11:19:22 Tags:,,,,

据intomobile报道,黑莓Messenger将变得更有吸引力,其下一个版本黑莓Messenger 6将会植入游戏功能。

据游戏邦了解,黑莓Messenger 6将会融入一些社交游戏功能,但目前尚未得知黑莓究竟是会在Messenger系统中添加游戏,还是在黑莓应用商店(BlackBerry App World)中供应游戏聊天应用软件。

BlackBerry Messenger

BlackBerry Messenger

有人可能会认为比起iPhone和Android,RIM明显缺乏吸引力,但黑莓Messenger的功能却十分强大。它是一个极其私密的沟通网站,如果用户已经厌倦了Facebook或Twitter等没有隐私可言的社交平台,黑莓Messenger倒是一个不错的选择,这个平台还逐步改善了视频和图片分享功能。Messenger 6最近还向第三方开发商的开放了权限,支持他们创建新型的BBM相关应用。



BlackBerry Messenger 6 may include gaming

If you thought Research In Motion couldn’t make BlackBerry Messenger any more addictive, you’re wrong, as leaks suggests the next version will include gaming.

Reports suggest that the BlackBerry Messenger 6 will include some form of social gaming. Not much is known about this but it likely will include either games within the Messenger system or chats for games that can be found in the BlackBerry App World.

For those of you who discount RIM’s appeal in the world of the iPhone and Android, I have to remind you how good BlackBerry Messenger is. This is the ultimate, private communication network for those who are weary of the public nature of a Facebook or Twitter and it has steadily improved with video and photo-sharing.

In fact, our own Marc Flores was creepily asking a group of teenage girls today why they all had BlackBerry smartphones and they unanimously said it was because of BBM. For kids wanting a parent-free social network, this is a perfect place to go.

It’s not just for the Bieber lovers though, as BlackBerry Messenger has been a solid business tool for years now and RIM is aware that this is one of its key assets. It recently opened up access to this for third-party developers and this could lead to a new breed of BBM-connected apps.

Does gaming fit into the corporate brand of BlackBerry? Not really but the company has long been seeking users outside of the boardroom. I could easily see this being a feature that’s disabled with corporate deployments but mainstream users would be able to blab away about gaming.(source:IntoMobile)

