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Palo Alto调查:加拿大上班族对Twitter情有独钟

发布时间:2011-01-24 11:43:53 Tags:,,,

据网络安全公司Palo Alto Networks最新调查显示,加拿大用户喜欢Twitter甚于Facebook,至少在上班时间是如此。

Palo Alto Networks的全球市场营销副总裁René Bonvanie表示,Twitter如此庞大的用户实在出乎他们的意料。在加拿大没有一个公司不使用Twitter,Twitter的用户实在是太多了。




* 有88%的加拿大上班族使用即时讯息工具,而美国公司的同一比例为97%。

* 仅91%的加拿大公司使用网络电子邮件,而美国公司的比例高达100&。

游戏邦还发现,由于加拿大员工上班时间过度使用Twitter,Facebook和YouTube,引发了某些人抵制浪费时间和社交网络的情绪。该调查发现的另一个有趣现象是,就连政府机关工作人员也上班时间登陆了社交网站,许多公司还以为他们屏蔽了Facebook,但实际上并非如此。Palo Alto Networks的企业通讯主管麦克·哈罗表示:“我们无意指向任何一个特定的机构,但根据全球调查,有53%的组织认为他们把Facebook屏蔽了,但我们的数据却显示,Facebook在他们网络的使用率还是超过了90%。”

该调查结果还显示 ,Meebo超过了Facebook聊天工具,是使用率最高的即时讯息工具。游戏邦认为,Twitter在加拿大用户中更受欢迎,有可能因为Facebook在工作场所中经常被禁或者被封杀。另外,在上班时间使用Twitter更容易看照片、视频和发布信息而不被周围人察觉,但Facebook的功能就没有这么低调了。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Canadians Prefer Twitter To Facebook While At Work

According to the Toronto Star, new research from network security firm Palo Alto Networks shows that Canadians prefer Twitter to Facebook, at least in the workplace.  This fact, and other interesting statistics about Canadian Web surfing and social networking at work, was determined following six months of network data collection at thirty-four big Canadian companies.

According to, “The rampant use of Twitter came as a surprise.  “We have not found a single enterprise in Canada where Twitter is not being used,” René Bonvanie, vice president of worldwide marketing at Palo Alto Networks said in an interview.  “If it were just one or two marketing people using Twitter, the traffic would be in megabytes.  The traffic is in gigabytes.  It’s hundreds of people.”

Facebook and YouTube are also pretty popular with Canadians, even in the workplace.  YouTube took up about 6 percent of the available bandwidth of the companies surveyed.  However, according to the statistics Canadians still may not be surfing the Web at work quite as much as U.S. American citizens.  In addition to the 34 Canadian companies studied, 351 U.S. companies were studied.  The following results were determined:

88% of Canadian companies have employees using IM at work while 97% of U.S. companies have employees using IM

91% of Canadian companies use web-based email while 100% of U.S. companies do
The statistics showing the rampant use of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube among employees at Canadian companies is causing a little bit of an outcry about time-wasting and social networking.  An interesting fact that the Star brought up was the fact that even government agencies were using social networking sites at work, and that many companies thought Facebook was blocked, but it actually isn’t.  “We cannot comment on any specific organization, however I can say that our global research shows that 53 percent of organizations ‘believed’ they had Facebook blocked while our hard data reveals that Facebook usage within those same networks is above 90 percent,” Mike Haro, director of corporate communications at Palo Alto Networks, said.

However, after seeing that the data also showed that Meebo came out on top for IM clients, above Facebook chat, I may be inclined to believe that Twitter is more popular amongst Canadians because Facebook is either banned or frowned down upon in their workplaces.  It’s a lot more inconspicuous to tweet than to check your Facebook and look at pictures, videos and wall posts while you are at work.  But that’s just my hypothesis.(source:socialtimes)

