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发布时间:2011-01-14 15:36:10 Tags:,,,


本周五,美国科罗拉多州拉普顿堡的Shannon Johnson即将面临疏忽照顾溺毙儿童的指控。据游戏邦了解,2010年9月的,Shannon Johnson由于沉溺于Facebook游戏Cafe World而将其仅13个月的孩子留在了浴盆中。



对此,Shannon Johnson表示不愿孩子过分依赖家长,并称孩子十分独立更愿意独自洗澡。但同时她也承认事发当日浴盆的水位略高于往常。据Shannon Johnson的供词显示,她在离开孩子约三分钟后便回到浴室,但当时她发现孩子侧卧在浴盆中面部朝下。之后虽然紧急送往医院抢救,但最终该名年仅1岁的孩子在下午4点30分宣布死亡。

这已经不是第一起涉及Facebook游戏的儿童疏忽致死事件。去年十月,另一位母亲Alexandra Tobias也由于将打扰其玩FarmVille游戏的孩子摇曳致死而遭起诉。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Facebook games are a fun way to pass the time, but only if you’re not neglecting your obligations in the real world. Shannon Johnson of Fort Lupton, Colorado is going to be arraigned Friday for the drowning of her 13-month-old son. The cause? The mother left her son alone last September in the bathtub while she played Cafe World and multitasked on Facebook.

Johnson stated that she didn’t want her baby to become a “mamma’s boy” and that he was an independent child who liked to be left alone. She also said that the water may have been higher than usual that day. The boy was pulled from the bathtub after being left alone for approximately 3 minutes. Johnson discovered him lying sideways with his face underneath the water. After being rushed to the hospital, the 1 year old boy was pronounced dead at 4:30 p.m.

This isn’t the first time we have heard of a Facebook game being involved in a child’s neglect or murder. Last October, Alexandra Tobias plead guilty to shaking her child to death for crying while she tried to play FarmVille.(

