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发布时间:2011-01-04 13:01:17 Tags:,,,,


《High Noon》(HappyLatte公司作品)

High Noon

High Noon

这一是款西部牛仔风格的2D实时多人射击游戏,由北京HappyLatte团队开发。该应用可免费下载,主要通过虚拟商品交易创造营收,设置了金币和Wampums这两种虚拟货币系统,已进入61个国家的“Apple App Rewind 2010”应用排行榜前十强行列。



《Finger Balance》(椰岛工作室作品)

Finger Balance

Finger Balance

这是一款独特的物理类游戏,难度极大,玩家需要用两根手指控制一根平衡杆,平衡杆上还有一个小球,任务是让小球躲过重重障碍,到达屏幕顶部,小球的移动有赖于玩家对平衡杆的控制。别具一格的玩法设置,加上通过YouTube和Twitter推出的iPhone 4抽奖活动,该游戏已顺利跻身一些亚欧国家的应用排行榜前列,另外还曾经进入美国付费应用榜单的前6名。椰岛工作室不但定期推出更新内容,还向用户提供了一个关卡编辑器,支持他们自由发挥想象,以自己的创意设置新关卡,这种想法的确与众不同。椰岛这个小团队的成员主要是一些前Konami公司开发者,他们的另一款应用《iDragPaper》的下载量也已高达700万次,可见这确实是一支实力不容小觑的精英队伍。





GameBox 1(Triniti Interactive公司作品)



该应用售价0.99美元,共植入了37款游戏,在“Apple App Rewind 2010”的付费排行榜中居于第七位。这个应用绑定了《iSniper3D》、《Ancient War》、《BowMan Defense》、《Chicks》、《Doodle Truck》等多款风格独特的游戏。另外值得一提的是,Triniti拥有一个大规模的开发团队,几乎每月都向App Store推出质量上乘的游戏,那些游戏销量达到高峰时,就会与GameBox应用进行绑定。

据游戏邦所知,该公司首席执行官William Shi曾在2010年初表示,希望通过推出大批高质量的0.99美元游戏,超越那些大型发行商。这种低价策略似乎还挺流行、挺管用,就好像EA最近的假期大甩卖活动,许多顶级游戏的下载量都因0.99美元的促销价而大有斩获。

《欢乐王国》(Haypi Kingdom,Haypi公司作品)




《超级激光》(Super Laser,EpicForce公司作品)

Super Laser

Super Laser

这是由香港独立工作室EpicForce开发的最出色的App Store飞行射击游戏之一,EpicForce的努力复兴了这种几乎快被遗忘的游戏风格。这款游戏的动画效果极其炫丽,武器种类也很超群,它是以健康条来反映玩家的游戏寿命,这种设置与传统的雷电战斗机游戏一击毙命的模式明显不同。通过手机社交游戏平台Plus+的合作,该游戏已进入多个国家的最佳手机应用排行榜。

《战争王国》(Kingdoms at War,Mochi Media公司作品)

Kingdoms at War

Kingdoms at War

这是一款由Mochi Media公司开发的战争题材MMORPG游戏,支持在iPhone和浏览器平台上运行。Mochi Media位于美国旧金山,已在2010年初以8亿美元的出售价格投靠中国盛大游戏。该游戏也进入了苹果2010年最佳综合应用榜单。

《虚拟乒乓球》(Virtual Table Tennis,Wang Xi作品)

Virtual Table Tennis

Virtual Table Tennis

这款游戏由上海开发者Wang Xi一人创作完成,虽然使用的是简单的3D图像,但球拍的动作变化、速度、旋转方向、以及乒乓球的弹跳效果都出奇的真实自然。据称Wang Xi用了一年时间开发、优化自己的游戏引擎,直到自己满意为止才将该游戏投放到App Store。功夫不负有心人,他的努力得到了回报,这款游戏在多个国家的顶级应用排行中榜上有名,目前还支持GameCenter的多人游戏模式。

Do It(Tomorrow)(Adylitica公司作品)

Do It(Tomorrow)

Do It(Tomorrow)



MSN Live Messenger(九趣公司作品)

MSN Live Messenger

MSN Live Messenger

顾名思义,它就是一款MSN聊天应用,由北京九趣公司开发,已成为App Store中排名最靠前的MSN聊天应用之一。它支持推送信息服务、群聊天功能,设置了用户虚拟头像、表情等功能。据游戏邦了解,九趣的创立团队成员主要是手机游戏公司Beijing Colorme Group的前高管,他们离职后成立了专注于办公应用开发的九趣公司。

《猴子捞月》(Rye Studio作品)

The Monkeys Who Tried to Catch the Moon

The Monkeys Who Tried to Catch the Moon

这是一款面向少儿群体、支持多国语言的故事应用,属于儿童科教产品,在全球下载量已将近20万次。除此之外,Rye Studio还推出了《花木兰》、《哪吒》、《年怪兽》等应用版本,通过苹果平台向海外有力地传播了中华传统文化。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

The Top “Made in China” Apps of 2010

In the year 1405, the Chinese Emperor sent Admiral Zheng He on expeditions to foreign lands to establish Chinese presence and extend the empire’s tributary system. 605 years later, the current empire is exporting byte-sized “Made in China” action packs of its own to the West.

No, not Jackie Chan.

So I present to you, the Top* Made in China apps of 2010! Most of these developers speak little English, but have come up with worthy apps that have served global audiences very well.

High Noon by HappyLatte

(Personal favourite!) High Noon is a real-time multiplayer Cowboy-style 2D shooter, that is developed by a team in the Chinese capital of Beijing. This app is free for download, but has achieved great success via virtual goods revenue to be amongst the top 10 grossing iPhone game of 2010 in 61 countries (Apple App Rewind 2010). The virtual dual currency system is well designed, with gold coins and a premium currency called Wampums. Even I contributed $4.99 to buy Wampums!

The High Noon team also carries out frequent and in-game festive promotions (such as Oktoberfest and Christmas) to sustain high user activity, where they reward active users with free Wampums.

From this High Noon app, all users have registered an email address with HappyLatte. This should prove very useful for the promotion of their future games.

Finger Balance by Coconut Island Studio

Finger Balance is a unique physics-based game where players would use 2 fingers to move a metal rod balancing a marble towards a target. The unique gameplay, coupled with a successful iPhone4 raffle campaign over YouTube and Twitter, enabled Finger Balance to top charts in several countries in Europe and Asia. The paid version also reached #6 on the US Paid Apps chart. The Coconut Island guys have also followed up with new content updates, including a level editor that allows users to express their creativity and generate new levels. This is especially impressive, following their phenomenal 7m downloads success from iDragPaper. This small humble team, made up of some ex-Konami developers, from Shanghai has taken time to develop a very unique and polished have proven that they’re not a one hit wonder, and are definitely a team to watch out for.

TwitBird by NibiruTech

TwitBird is a twitter app that combines the best features from you’ve seen separately from other Twitter apps, into one app. It’s designed and developed from a software park in Chengdu, and has over a million downloads worldwide, with almost 900,000 Twitter followers. This is very impressive, for a developer based in a country where Twitter is not accessible via normal cables. For that purpose, this app even has in-built proxy connection servers.

GameBox 1 by Triniti Interactive

GameBox, sold for $0.99, currently contains 37 games in 1 app, is the #7 Top Paid App on the Apple Rewind 2010 chart. The games bundled inside include individual game hits like iSniper3D, Ancient War, BowMan Defense, Chicks, Doodle Truck, and more. Apparently, Triniti has a sizable team that puts out some good games on the App Store every month, and as soon as the sales peak is past, the games are bundled into this GameBox.

When I met the founder and CEO, William Shi back in early 2010, he spoke of the desire to outsell the bigger publishers by offering quality and quantity, at $0.99. This seems to have worked very well so far, in light of EA’s move to slash prices and offer several top games at $0.99 recently.

Haypi Kingdom by Haypi Co., Ltd

Haypi Kingdom boasts a unique formula of offense strategy, business acumen, and kingdom planning to make it stand out against the run-of-the-mill free MMORPGs. First released in February 2010, it has undergone several app and content updates, as well as fortnightly iPad giveaways to keep their user base excited, entertained and ever-growing. Currently it has over 2 million users in Europe and the US on iOS and Android, and is earning substantial in-app revenues.

Super Laser by EpicForce

Based in Hong Kong, this indie studio has developed one of the best flight shooter games on the App Store, doing their bit to revive this forgotten genre on iPhone screens. This game is very polished to the details with beautiful animations, unique weapons and cool power-ups. It also helps players that they designed a health bar instead of a conventional one-hit death in 1942/Raiden-style games. EpicForce has also benefited from a good relationship with mobile social gaming platform Plus+ to top charts in several countries.

Kingdoms at War by A Thinking Ape

Kingdoms of War, developed by Mochi Media is a battle-focused MMORPG that users can play on the iPhone or on a browser. Mochi Media, based in San Francisco, had been acquired by Shanda Games for a whopping $80m in early 2010. It’s good to see that the backing from Shanda has borne some fruit in this game, which made it into the 2010 Rewind’s top grossing apps list.

Virtual Table Tennis by Wang Xi

As simple as it sounds, perfecting a virtual ping pong experience requires immense amounts of effort and expertise, especially so for this one-man developer based in Shanghai. Despite using only simple 3D graphics, the variations of bat power, speed, and swing direction, and the resulting effects on the ball, are amazingly realistic. According to industry mates, Wang Xi had spent one year developing and fine-tuning his game engine before he deemed it good enough for the App Store. For his very commendable commitment, he has been rewarded with chart-topping success on several country charts, and is currently working on multiplayer with GameCenter. This game is definitely a Trainyard-like success story in the making!

Do It(Tomorrow) by Adylitica Inc

Do It(Tomorrow) is a quite a marvel by itself – It’s a productivity app that helps users procrastinate! Because of the very simple way it’s designed, it actually helps get things done. There are only 2 screens – today’s tasks and tomorrow’s tasks. And for each task added on the present day, you can either strike it off as done, or push it to tomorrow’s list. This app is free, and has no ads, nor in-app purchases.

The key members of this company are actually foreigners based in Beijing. They are experienced technical professionals, who do hands-on coding. Such professionalism is hard to come by, since most western expats in Chinese IT companies do not function in hands-on coding capacities.

MSN Live Messenger by 9thQ

As official as the app name looks, this MSN chat app is actually developed by a Beijing company, and has emerged as one of the top MSN chat apps on the App Store. The app comes with push notifications, avatars, group chat, and emoticons support that makes it a complete MSN chat offering. 9thQ’s founding team is made up from ex-executives from another a mobile games company, the Beijing Colorme Group, who left to form a new company focused on productivity apps.

The Monkeys Who Tried to Catch the Moon by Rye Studio

Rye Studio develops excellent storybook apps for children with professional multilingual narration. As niched as the children education category is, this little story app achieved almost 200,000 downloads worldwide. With other titles like Mulan, Nezha, The Beast Nian, Rye Studio is definitely doing a great job exporting Chinese classics to the west with Apple products.(source:techrice)

