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发布时间:2010-12-31 16:09:48 Tags:,,,

今年6月,Inside Social Games评选出2010年上半年的十佳Facebook社交游戏。其中,Booyah公司的Nightclub City以其新颖的游戏理念,创新的游戏方式荣登榜首。而如今时值12月,Insied Social Games再次根据游戏质量,风格,原创性和趣味性等元素评选出2010年下半年的十佳Facebook社交游戏。


10,Bar World



排名第十的是DNA Games公司的商业经营类游戏Bar World。在Facebook社交网站的众多Nightclub City克隆游戏中,DNA的Bar World可谓是其中成绩最为斐然的一款。除了现有的经营类游戏机制以外,Bar World还融入了一些新颖而独特的原创性内容。

在Bar World中,玩家以成功经营酒吧为目的,可以有更多的选择对自己的酒吧进行装饰。同时,该款游戏类似与Cafe World,玩家可以自制或混合各种饮品吸引赞助人彻夜狂欢。

然而据游戏邦了解,该款游戏的特色在于游戏角色及玩家与游戏NPC的各种互动。Bar World的NPC会使用玩家置办的各种道具,同时他们也是玩家的真实好友或其他Car World用户,玩家可以灌醉他们或者令两人陷入爱河之中,并可以将各种有趣的结果发布到Facebook Feed。另外,玩家可以听过访问或“Like”其他用户的酒吧解锁各种新功能和新地点。

目前Bar World拥有将近160万月活跃用户。

9,CSI:Crime City



排名第九的是寻宝类游戏CSI:Crime City。该款游戏由独立开发商Area/Code开发,并由Ubisoft和CBS Consumer Products联合发布。就本质而言,该款CSI游戏与其他的寻宝类游戏并没有太多不同,然而由于以热门电视剧CSI为蓝本和独特的阴暗氛围吸引了不少趣味特殊的玩家。

除了精良的游戏画面之外,CSI:Crime City的主题十分新颖。虽然游戏中的很多“谜题”并不难解决,但是发现命案线索的喜悦是发现海贝所无法比拟的。在CSI:Crime City中,玩家需要耗费一定的时间或使用某些高科技研究才能顺利破案。当然,玩家也可以与好友合作,实现更有意义的社交互动。

目前,CSI:Crime City游戏的月活跃用户是170万。

8,Legacy of a Thousand Suns



位列第八的是由5th Planet Games和Concept Art House合作开发的RPG角色扮演游戏Legacy of a Thousand Suns。目前该款游戏发布仅1个月左右,但其精美的画面效果及有趣的游戏故事成为了最受瞩目的文本类RPG游戏。

虽然Legacy of a Thousand Suns的核心游戏机制基本与Mafia Wars类似,然而该游戏的故事本身却十分新颖有趣。玩家可以在游戏中与好友一起搜索和挑战Boss。


7,Wildlife Refuge

Wildlife Refuge

Wildlife Refuge

近来,索尼网络娱乐公司虽然并没有大举投资,但也开始涉足社交游戏领域。在其11月发布的新款动物管理类游戏Wildlife Refuge中,玩家将来到非洲保护非洲的真贵物种。


同时Wildlife Refuge的虚拟空间也比其他动物园经营类游戏更有趣。玩家在其中置办的各种道具不仅可以美化环境,还可以提高饲养动物的最大值。另外,游戏过程中还需建造各种不同的建筑,为玩家提供了多样化的游戏任务。

然而同样不幸的是目前Wildlife Refuge仅有5万8000名月活跃用户。

6,Ravenwood Fair



排名第六的是LOLapps公司制作的Ravenwood Fair,该款游戏相当于FrontierVille和经营类游戏的结合。在Facebook社交网站关闭该公司其他游戏的病毒式传播渠道之后,Ravenwood Fair成了LOLapps的救命稻草。该款可爱的Q版森林动物主题游戏向玩家们展示了一种旅馆之外的经营类游戏理念。

与FrontierVille类似,Ravenwood Fair玩家也要在游戏中伐木开创文明。随着游戏不断进展,各种会说话的小动物会光顾玩家创建的乐园,并与玩家聊天。尽管这类的游戏此前并不少见,但Ravenwood Fair体现除了许多Facebook游戏并没有的原创性和趣味性。

目前,Ravenwood Fair的月活跃用户约为500万人。

5,Crime City



位居第五的是Funzio公司的RPG游戏Crime City。与Mafia Wars式的文本–按键类游戏方式不同,Crime City以一种有趣的形式融合了平台游戏和城市建设两种游戏理念。

在Crime City中,玩家可以与各种角色互动,进出各类建筑已完成游戏任务。从技术层面上看,Crime City的互动与文本类RPG游戏并没有太大差异,玩家同样点击鼠标便可以顺利进行游戏。但是视觉上与游戏角色互动总是比起文字阅读更有趣。

然而,Crime City真正与众不同之处在于其社交城市建设元素。在游戏中,玩家可以通过拜访其他玩家的城市抢劫其建筑或虚拟人物赚钱。这一暴力行径得到了广大Facebook用户的支持,因此,Crime City拥有近660万月活跃用户。

4,Pocket God(口袋上帝)



位列第四的是由Frima Studio和Bolt Creative合作开发的Pocket God。最近该款iPhone游戏刚刚搬上Facebook平台,玩家可以在游戏中享受宁虐毕格米人的无限乐趣。

Pocket God的游戏风格正是该款游戏的价值所在。游戏中玩家将运用其无上的神力主宰小岛居民毕格米人的命运,即玩家可以使用各种神力将这些可怜的小生命置于死地,用水淹死,用雷劈死,甚至可以将他们丢入火山口烧死。在各种搞笑的游戏氛围中,玩家往往乐在其中。

本月,Pocket God登陆Facebook平台的同时融入了多种新的神力和新的等级系统。目前新款Facebook版Pocket God拥有月活跃用户4万4000人,这一数据仍在增长中。








2,It Girl



基于大部分社交游戏玩家为女性这一事实,CrowdStar公司推出了女性向社交游戏It Girl。


目前,It Girl拥有670万月活跃用户。

1,City of Wonder



位居2010年下半年十佳Facebook社交游戏榜首的是Playdom的古代城市建设类游戏City of Wonder。充分的社交互动元素和精致的游戏画面吸引了不少Facebook玩家的目光。

该款游戏集Social City和《文明》系列游戏特征为一身,玩家的游戏的同时将体验到人类历史的发展进程,从部落时代,石器时代直至摩登时代,玩家在游戏中除了提升居民幸福感之外,还要组建军队,发展文明,贸易往来等。由于不同的建筑提升不同的城市指标,玩家需要决定城市的前进方向。

在City of Wonder中,玩家可以与其他玩家进行互动,到世界各个不同的城市进行贸易和文化交流,甚至于可以侵入其他城市以提升收入,人口和游戏经验。City of Wonder的等级提升绝对不仅仅是数字上的变化。等级提升后,玩家可以研究新科技发展城市。画面上,玩家的城市也会随着人类历史的发展不断变化,给予玩家成就感。

目前,City of Wonder的月活跃用户为870万。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Back in June, we judged the top 10 social games on Facebook for the first half of 2010. Now that we’ve reached December, it’s time for part two of our list, ranking the games launched from July onward.

In our first 2010 list, we gave the top ranking to the Booyah title Nightclub City. Since then a whole slew of new concepts, revolutionary games, and evolutions of existing concepts have made their way onto Facebook.

The games on this list are all titles that have been reviewed since June, chosen by factors like presentation quality, style, originality, level of detail, and the most important element, how fun it is. A given game’s success also factors into the mix, though several picks have yet to acquire significant numbers of users.

Here are our top games for the second half of 2010:
Bar-World10. Bar World

The list starts out with a business sim title from DNA Games. Many games have attempted to recreate the success of Nightclub City, but DNA’s Bar World is the only one to do it well, mixing a hodgepodge of existing game genres and mechanics, along with a few original ideas, into a title that feels both unique and satisfying.

With the premise of making a successful bar, players decorate the space with a much wider variety of decor than most games (at least in their early stages), with spaces ranging from the beach to the city. Following a Cafe World-style, users mix and create drinks to keep patrons dancing the night, or day, away.

But what stands out most is the in-game characters themselves, and the level of interaction that comes with them. Not only do these NPCs utilize the items purchased, but they represent actual friends and other Bar World users. That in mind, players can try to get them drunk or even make them fall in love (complete with cheesy pick-up lines) with each other and post the quirky results to a Facebook feed. Additionally, players can unlock new features and venues by visiting and “Liking” other random users’ bars as well as having do the same for yours.

Bar World is doing well with over 1.6 million monthly active users.
CSI-Crime-City9.  CSI: Crime City

Next up comes a new take on the treasure hunting style of games: CSI: Crime City. Published by Ubisoft, in association with CBS Consumer Products, the game was developed by an independent developer by the name of Area/Code. At its core, CSI is not terribly different from other treasure hunting games, but its tie in with the popular television franchise and its darker undertones (it is about murder, after all) make it appealing to a different audience from the norm.

Beyond an overall high level of polish, it’s the theme that makes CSI stand out the most for us. Though none of the “mysteries” are terribly hard to figure out, there is something infinitely more gratifying about searching for clues rather than sea shells. The solutions must be solved using time and high-tech lab stations that can actually be shared amongst friends. With this social machinery, friends can feasibly work together, creating meaningful social play.

Currently, CSI: Crime City is growing, with almost 1.7 million MAU.
Legacy-of-a-Thousand-Suns8. Legacy of a Thousand Suns

Number eight on our list hails from the role-playing genre. As one of the oldest forms of social games on Facebook, the text RPG is certainly tough type to stand out with. However, 5th Planet Games does its best with, Legacy of a Thousand Suns, which it co-developed with Concept Art House. A mouthful the title may be, but with beautiful visuals, tremendous polish, and an interesting story, this is one of the few text-based RPGs that can really catch our attention.

As a space odyssey, Legacy already takes a less travelled route than the ever-so-common fantasy RPG. While most of the core game mechanics follow the standard “mafia-style” rule sets, each of the in-game elements is visually stunning, with quality shining through in each game element. What stands out most, however, is the story itself. Right from the get-go, characters that it’s possible to actually care about are being developed.

With the ability to search out and fight bosses with friends and form “Alliance Raids” with other users, Legacy scratches the social itch as well. Sadly, the game has not taken off, hosting just over 369,000 MAU.
Wildlife-Refuge7. Wildlife Refuge

Sony Online Entertainment has been dipping its toes into the social gaming waters for some time now, but has yet to truly invest itself in the concept. Their most recent game, Wildlife Refuge, came out in November, and hasn’t yet attracted as many users as it truly deserves. A quasi-animal husbandry app, Refuge sends users out on safari to protect the wildlife of the African savanna.

Though it’s working in a genre that’s been done to death, Sony managed the make the process of raising and releasing animals feel new and meaningful. Beyond teaching users a little bit about the animals, stopping poachers and tracking (literally tracking) animals, it is an enjoyable experience to say the least. Furthermore, with no real way to know what animals one may find, it becomes a fun collection endeavour to fill one’s virtual space with the rarest and most exotic creatures of the African ecosystem.

The virtual space aspect of Refuge is also more meaningful than previous zoo titles. Placed items provide more than just aesthetics; they also boost stats that allow for more wildlife to be placed. Furthermore, many buildings are needed to complete the variety of collections (e.g. a series of photographs), giving players yet another goal to accomplish.

Sadly, despite how well-made the game is, it only has 58,000 MAU.
Ravenwood Fair6. Ravenwood Fair

A marriage of FrontierVille with business sims, Ravenwood Fair from LOLapps brought the company back into the light after Facebook suspended its other apps. This cutsie game of big-headed forest critters has shown that there are businesses out there beyond restaurants, or variants thereof.

Like FrontierVille, this successor to Critter Island has players chopping down trees and creating civilization — but instead of a homestead, the aim is to build a quirky Victorian fair. As the number of games and decorations grows, a variety of talking animals appear to spend money and chat with the player.

Though many of the basics have been seen before, Ravenwood Fair feels original, and brings an interesting role-playing element to Facebook. From hidden attractions within the forest to one-liners from the guests, the rest of the game also shows a tremendous amount of style and flavor.

With aboutr 5 million MAU thus far, Ravenwood Fair is an app that ought to be around a while.
Crime City5. Crime City

Here’s another for the RPG genre: coming in at number five is Crime City from the folks over at Funzio. While the premise of going from street thug to criminal mastermind has been done before, Crime City steps away from the text-and-buttons style of Mafia Wars to hybridize itself with concepts from both console games and city-building, in a quite interesting fashion.

Players move about an isometric world, interacting with the characters and buildings within it in order to complete various missions. Technically speaking, the interaction is no different than text-based RPGs, as each action is successfull performs with a mere click, but it is far more gratifying to visually punch someone in the face than just read about it. This alone was enough to make Crime City stand out from the crowd.

It’s the game’s social city-building elements that really sets Crime City apart. Rather than buying static images of buildings to make money, players can build up their own criminal neighborhood and visit other users’ “hoods” to rob their buildings or avatar, using the same game mechanics of the single player missions.

Suffice to say, Facebook users love the violence, as this game boasts a whopping 6.6 million MAU.
Pocket-God4. Pocket God

Probably best classified as a sim, Pocket God marks the most recent release on this list. Developed by Frima Studio and Bolt Creative, this simplistic Facebook remake of the iPhone’s guilty pleasure is one of the best times you’ll ever have torturing pygmies.

If there is any one reason as to why Pocket God made it to this list, it’s style. The whole point behind the game is to rule over a small island of pygmies and beat them into submission with your godly powers. What makes it stand out is that each means of killing the little guys comes with a highly polished and highly gratifying visual. From feeding them to giant venus flytraps, to launching them into a volcano, every animation is an amusing display that just doesn’t get old.

The game has translated itself well onto Facebook. With new god powers, the ability to spawn and kill friends (complete with wall posts), and a new leveling system, it’s a title perfect for playing for just a few minutes or for an hour plus.

Pocket God is still brand new, having only been released this December. It’s currently at 44,000 MAU and growing.
CityVille3. CityVille

With Zynga‘s new title CityVille now overtaking FarmVille, the game demands recognition. Though it’s difficult to find anything entirely original in CityVille, its use of a multitude of other game mechanics comes with a personal flair that makes each stand out in a flavorful and entertaining fashion.

At its core, CityVille is one city-builder among dozens, but one aspect that it truly enhances is the the strategic, resource management side of these games. It’s this focus that makes the game stand out for us. More than just population and happiness, players must actually create a thriving economy through the use of all game elements. Some buildings produce money, while others produce goods, yet each type requires the other. This creates strategic choices for the player that are further enhanced by the addition of decorative elements that boost the percentage of money producing structures.

The importance of friends adds to all of this. Players can actually set up basic trade routes (e.g. via train) with friends to garner the goods needed to power their money-making facilities. There’s even the option to actually create franchises in friends’ cities, granting fiscal benefit to both parties and opening up long-term management. Granted, it is no SimCity, but there is a simplistic, yet perfectly polished and balanced depth (especially from a social perspective) to this Zynga app that simply cannot be ignored.

CityVille continues to grow by leaps and bounds, now at over 77 million MAU.
It Girl2. It Girl

Knowing that a vast majority of social gamers are, in fact, women, CrowdStar planned out a hit with its “girls-only” Facebook title, It Girl. Working with very simple concepts, It Girl is tailors directly to the female demographic, and filled with elements popular to them in general. Significantly more unique than most other Facebook titles, it’s the originality that has placed It Girl at number two.

Players start out as just another cute girl in the big city. Walking through the city streets, players can visit any number of shops in search of the hottest outfits, which they can try on, collect, and combine to create virtually any style imaginable. In some cases players can even buy themed clothing from actual stores (e.g. Old Navy).

If this wasn’t addictive enough, players can test their fashion sense by visiting hot social events and tailoring their outfits to the clothing requirements (black tie, nightlife, outdoors, etc.). Moreover, users can interact with one another asynchronously by challenging each others’ avatars — that wander the city — to a sort of fashion “duel” to see just who is the most hip.

Though the game may not appeal to most men, this title continues to grow with approximately 6.7 million MAU.
City of Wonder1. City of Wonder

Easily, the top title this time around goes to Playdom with their historically-oriented city-builder, City of Wonder. A game of meaningful choices, heavy social interaction, and a gratifying visual reward for leveling up, City of Wonder has sucked up more hours since its August release than we care to admit.

A combination of Playdom’s successful Social City and some aspects from the Civilization series, City of Wonder tasks players with taking their city and progressing through the ages of human history. From the tribal huts of the Stone Age to the skyscrapers of the modern era players manage, not only the well being and happiness of their populace, but their cultural, military, and trade capabilities. With every single structure of the game enhancing one of these elements, it becomes a task of choosing what form of civilization you want your city to become.

Why is this important? Because any player can interact with other players, their level, in the form of Expeditions. By traveling to other cities around the world, players can exchange in trade, culture, or even start invasions in an attempt to boost their income, population, or experience, as well as see the societies others have created. The higher one’s trade, culture, or military, the greater chance of success for these respective exchanges.

Leveling up in City of Wonder is more than just a number. As players research new technology and reach new milestones, the city visually evolves through the ages of mankind, making it feel like something is actually accomplished, rather than merely seeing a number changing. Furthermore, with citizens milling about and performing parades, and buildings burning from aggressive player attacks, everything just feels alive.

It’s for all of these reasons that the 8.7 million MAU strong City of Wonder holds our top pick for the best Facebook social game, for the second half of 2010.

All in all, it’s been a year of outstanding releases and the bar of quality has been continually pushed upward. If one thing that can be said for certain, it’s that progress will not stop. As good as 2010 was for social gaming, you can bet that 2011 will be even better.

As for the absolute best game of 2010, stay tuned, as we’ll soon roll out our final list for the year. (Source:Inside Social Games)

