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发布时间:2010-12-31 10:26:54 Tags:,,,





在CityVille中玩家可以购买能量,这是最商业化的一种能量获得方式。当玩家能量不足时,CityVille系统会自动弹出提醒,首先会建议玩家向好友请求能量,而第二个弹出窗口则会建议玩家使用CityVille Cash购买能量。由于Cash在游戏中十分难得,因此大部分的玩家都不会选择这一方式。然而,如果玩家有闲余的CityVille Cash,那么选择购买能量也未尝不是明智之举。









If you ask any CityVillian (yes that’s a term I made up) what they need the most on any given day, they will most likely tell you  that they need ENERGY. To accomplish anything in CityVille, a CityVillian needs to have an available amount of energy. Want to build a home? You’re going to need energy. Looking to collect rent? Better have available energy. Think harvesting your crop won’t require energy? You obviously are not a frequent CityVille user, maybe you’re not ready for this article.

In this article, I’m going to discuss four different ways to collect more energy in CityVille: purchasing, begging, visiting and waiting. I recommend trying the the below options in the order they are presented.


As any CityVillian knows, purchasing more energy is the most marketed way to acquire more energy. When a CityVillian is low on energy, CityVille immediately prompts a pop-up to let you know that you’re low on energy (not like you haven’t noticed that already). The first pop-up suggests to request energy from friends (which we will get to later) and the second pop-up suggests you purchase more energy with CityVille cash. Since CityVille cash is hard to acquire, most CityVillians do not chose this method. However, if you have some extra CityVille cash laying around, it may not be a bad idea.


Begging is probably the preferred method of acquiring energy by most CityVille gamers. As with any social networking game, keeping good relationships with your friends is a must because you must rely on others to complete tasks: your post office will need employees.

My quick tip for begging is to look for CityVillians who are currently online at the time you need energy. Sending a request to friends who are not online means that you will have to wait to acquire energy from them, if they even decide to send you any. Waiting to receive energy may not be the best option for true CityVille addicts.


Don’t forget to help your friends out! By visiting your neighbors, you can receive coins and energy! Visiting your neighbors is probably one of the fastest ways to acquire energy, but you will eventually run out of tasks to do for your neighbor. Reviving crops, collecting rent and sending visitors to other cities, are all jobs that need to be completed by for your neighbors. Not only is visiting other cities good for you personally, but it’s also good for your reputation. The next time one of your friends visit your city, they are more inclined to help you out when you are in a time of need.


Waiting is the last thing any social gamer wants to deal with, however, it is an option. Every few minutes or so, CityVille will credit CityVillians with energy to their account. When the above three options have been exhausted, waiting will be your only option left. Sometimes it’s just best to suck it up for a few minutes and watch the medicine drop from the IV.(Source:Socialtimes)

