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发布时间:2010-12-30 10:27:04 Tags:,,

在社交和手机游戏市场收获硕果累累的同时,2010年的视频游戏销售却陷入了颓势之中。据业内专家预计,2010年视频游戏的销量将比2009年下降 4%。与此相反,路透社最近的一份报告指出,2011年社交和手机游戏将继续保持蓬勃发展的势头。对此,Zynga公司产品开发副总裁Mark Skaggs也表示将在2011开发“更加有趣的游戏体验,更加精致的游戏画面和更加深刻的社交互动”。

Social and Mobile Games

Social and Mobile Games

据游戏邦了解,卡内基梅隆大学教授兼游戏开发者Jesse Schell估计2011年各平台游戏将继续抢占游戏市场。对此,路透社认为随着任天堂3DS,Xbox Kinect和3D电视等设备技术的发展成熟,3D和动作游戏将掀起一阵热潮。


Aside from the burgeoning and indisputably successful social and mobile games markets, video game sales suffered a year long slump in 2010. Industry professionals predict that game sales for this year will total four percent lower than 2009. But if a recent Reuters report is any indication, 2011 will be the year of the mobile and social, bringing revenue growth to the industry. And of course, that means more money to make even better social games, which Mark Skaggs, vice president of product development at Zynga, says will have “deeper gameplay, more polish, and be much more and better social experiences.”

Carnegie Mellon professor and game developer Jesse Schell predicts that 2011 will ring in games that exist on all platforms from the PC to our phones and to our consoles and TVs, Reuters reports. The news service also predicts that 3D and motion gaming will grow in 2011 thanks to the oncoming Nintendo 3DS, the Xbox Kinect and 3D TVs that will be on display at this year’s CES. (Well, on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, at least.)

But as for social and mobile gaming, we’ve already seen signs of this predicted boom in 2010 with marvels like Angry Birds on iPhone and Android along with the recent CityVille explosion on Facebook. So, 2011 could very well mean even more growth for social and mobile, but don’t expect leaps and bounds when it comes to cross-platform play. Well, unless companies like Zynga continue to make use of HTML5 and the mobile web–then we’re onto something. (source:

