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发布时间:2010-12-27 15:47:20 Tags:,,,

上周,游戏开发公司Aranim发布了新款Facebook游戏“Tribe Wars”。据游戏邦了解,位于安曼的Aranim公司是中东新兴的媒介和动画公司之一,该公司主要负责开发面向阿拉伯儿童的动画和游戏。


Tribe Wars

Tribe Wars

Aranim公司模仿社交游戏巨头Zynga的经营方式,开发了一系列符合阿拉伯用户喜好的简单社交游戏。在新款游戏Tribe Wars中,玩家以建造最先进的部落为目的,完成各种游戏任务赚取金钱和经验。在好友的帮助下,玩家可以更加快速地完成各种游戏任务,建立起强大的部落。

据游戏邦了解,在此之前Aranim公司发布的一款阿拉伯语社交游戏Agent Zero目前拥有约2万5000名注册用户。另外,Aranim公司还曾发布过类似Farmville的农场类游戏Happy Oasis。在该款游戏中,玩家可以在自己的虚拟农田中山各种水果和蔬菜。值得一提的是,游戏中玩家的农田是沙漠中的一片绿洲,玩家可以在绿洲边缘种上可爱的沙漠特色植物——仙人掌。

Happy Oasis

Happy Oasis

最后,Aranim公司还曾开发一款音乐游戏“Music Sultan”,测试玩家对阿拉伯音乐的了解程度。游戏中,玩家需要在音乐播放的过程中选择匹配的音乐名称或演唱艺术家,很多玩家都十分沉迷于该款游戏之中。

music sultan

music sultan

虽然据估计沙特阿拉伯地区的社交游戏行业拥有庞大的发展潜能,然而目前仅有少数游戏开发商关注这一市场,如Game Power 7和Tahadi。因此, Aranim公司采用这一发展模式十分有利于迅速抢占阿拉伯市场的战略主导地位,相信未来在开发人员的努力之下,Aranim公司将开发出更多的创意游戏体验。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Anyone who knows me realizes I’m a fan of addictive games. I believe it’s the nature of the beast that gets me hooked in the first place, but in some rare instances I absolutely avoid even trying it a game. Farmville was one, Aranim has come to solve that problem.

Launching its latest Facebook game this week, the Amman based gaming development firm have successfully developed 4 highly addictive social games the latest of which is titled ‘Tribe Wars’.

Aranim, a media creation and animation is a rising star in the Middle East. Approaching multiple creative industries in the region is out to develop comics and games that provide Arab kids with positive role models.

Social games are multiplayer browser-based games that allow users to compete against each other without installing software on their machine. The social context allows RPG (Role Playing Games) to extend that of a single player, making achievements faster to carry out in groups. Sometimes even mandatory.

Aranim has taken the global model Zynga (creator of such hits as Farmville & Mafia Wars) has perfected and simply made it more appealing to a regional Arabic speaking audience, although not restricted to them only.

Tribe Wars revolves around doing and mastering jobs to earn cash and experience, with the goal of establishing and advancing one’s tribal power. By getting friends to join your tribe it grows stronger and jobs are completed faster.

Aranim’s earlier successes include ‘Agent Zero‘ an Arabic social game that has more than 25,000 registered users.

The firm appears to be following a trend in game development by learning from others experiences in creating successful games. That is reinforced when you play they Arabic Farmville spinoff ‘Happy Oasis’.

Happy Oasis is a farming simulation game using Facebook to share with friends. The concept is that the game allows to grow fruits and veggies and raise animals on your own virtual farm. This time it’s in a desert oasis with some palm trees on the side.

Its fourth game which one of my personal favorites is ‘Music Sultan‘ and not because I live in Sultanate of Oman, no. It’s because the game is a test of just how well you know Arabic music.

The game is an infinite test of choosing the right song name or artist as the song plays in a surprisingly smooth and enjoyable experience my friends and family are starting to pick up quite quickly.

The model it’s adopted so far will put the company in a strategic leading place in a region that has only a few serious players in the online gaming industry such as Game Power 7 and Tahadi while the online gaming society is estimated to be in the millions from countries like Saudi Arabia alone.

With the talented people Aranim Media Factory has, and hopefully the creative ideas they’re turning into reality we should expect to hear a lot more from these guys in the near future especially with their being based in Amman during this exciting period for entrepreneurs in the region. (Source:thenextweb)

