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新一代The Incredible Machine游戏Create登陆Facebook

发布时间:2010-12-22 15:24:34 Tags:,

2010年11月中旬,Electronic Arts在多个平台发布了一款类似The Incredible Machine的游戏Create。据游戏邦了解,开发于90年代的The Incredible Machine中包含了一系列电脑小游戏,要求玩家使用各种物品完成某一指定任务,譬如用绳子和保龄球点燃蜡烛等。现在,游戏Create也向玩家提出了类似的挑战。游戏中,玩家需要使用箱子,保险杠,甚至气球将球从A处运到B处。Create中的各种任务都需要玩家的灵机一动。

create game

create game

最近,在纽约和洛杉矶设有办公室的营销公司The Game Agency (TGA)开发了Facebook版Create。在此之前,玩家仅能在电脑和电视游戏平台上体验该款游戏。


Create, a game similar to the Incredible Machine, was put out on multiple platforms by Electronic Arts (EA) in the middle of November 2010. The Incredible Machine, as some of you may know, is a series of computer games that were first developed in the early 90s. The object of these games is to arrange a collection of objects to perform a particular task. For example, the gamer may have to use ropes or bowling balls to light a candle.

Gamers are confronted with similar challenges in Create. Unique challenges can be overcome by using objects like different tools, balls, boxes, bumpers and even balloons to get a ball from point A to point B. Each puzzle requires the gamer to use the brain a little bit before proceeding with a solution to the problem.

The Game Agency (TGA), a New York and Los Angeles based marketing company, just recently developed the Create Facebook application. Until now, gamers were only able to play Create on their PC or gaming console.

Create may not seem like a social game, but the game does have social features. Different balls throughout the game have the ability to travel from one Facebook profile to the next. Each ball has an internal tracking device on it, which mean it’s able to keep track where it has been, how far it’s traveled and how many people have played with it. Also, Create has a friends feature that allows the gamer to click the different balls that friends have played with and the details of each ball. (Source:socialtimes)

