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发布时间:2010-12-22 14:33:07 Tags:,,,



A Bit Lucky公司——在社交游戏Lucky Train中推出了6款圣诞主题房屋,包括圣诞老人之家,姜饼人之家和玩具工厂等。另外,玩家还可以更换Lucky Train的主题,让整个城市成为冬季雪域中的一大仙境。同时玩家可以互相赠送各种节日限定道具,如糖果棒,雪人和圣诞树等。



Booyah公司——灯光璀璨的社交游戏Nightclub city推出了赌款圣诞节俱乐部道具,装饰类道具有雪花舞池和“北极舞者”等。同时还为玩家的虚拟人物形象及其明星同伴们准备了各种节日服饰。

CrowdStar——继万圣节和感恩节活动之后,本次Crowdstar旗下游戏同样融入了大量的圣诞节元素,其中以It Girl为最。整款游戏中都充满了各种圣诞节景象和声音。是的,声音。It girl是目前唯一一款将圣诞歌作为背景音乐的社交游戏。另外,除了各种装饰品,玩家还可以在It girl中购买各种节日服饰,其中甚至包括圣诞老人装和精灵装。



同时,CrowdStar旗下Happy Pets,Happy Island和Happy Aquarium等多款游戏也推出了圣诞节虚拟商品,如圣诞色彩宠物,潜水驯鹿等。

Digital Chocolate——今年Digital chocolate开发团队在节日虚拟商品上也可谓是煞费苦心,总计为旗下Millionaire City, Vegas City, Epic Fighters, Ninjas Rising和Island God五款游戏开发了20多款虚拟商品。其中主要侧重于两款商业主题游戏Millionaire City和Vegas city。在Epic Fighters和Ninjas Rising中则分别推出了圣诞节头盔和圣诞老人服装。另外,以上digital chocolate游戏都更换上了新款的圣诞节和落雪主题背景。

LOLapps——本次LOLapps公司充分发挥了圣诞节精神,在旗下热门社交游戏Ravenwood Fair中推出了40款节日主题道具,如冰屋,下雪湖畔等。

Playdom——Playdom旗下Social City, City of Wonder, ESPNU College Town, Wild Ones, Tiki Resort, Tiki Farm, Mobsters, Mobsters 2, My Vineyard, Market Street和Sorority Life等多款游戏都沉浸在浓浓的圣诞氛围之中。

在Tiki Resort游戏中,直到12月结束之前,登陆游戏的玩家每天都可以获得一件圣诞节礼物;圣诞老人在ESPNU世界的天际中翱翔,总是在玩家不经意间给人以惊喜。然而在Wild one中,玩家并非获得各种节日装饰,而是获得整份的“Winter Wonderblammed”地图。

Playfish——作为主流社交游戏开发商之一,Playfish工作室也为旗下Pet Society, Restaurant City, Country Story和Hotel City等热门游戏发布了多款圣诞节主题商品。

Restaurant City推出了多款功能性道具,例如将饮品服务速度提高10%的Festive Fridge和50%利润的可口可乐自动售货机等。在此次与可口可乐公司为期两周的合作中,Restaurant City还举行了可口可乐企鹅,北极熊等宣传活动。



此外,另一款经营类社交游戏Hotel City并没有推出大量虚拟商品,然而从12月22日开始,登陆游戏的玩家将可以获得特别的“惊喜”,这一活动将持续到12月25日。

RockYou!——Rockyou公司在社交游戏Zoo World中推出了新款圣诞节商品,该商品除了美观之外,还有其他游戏功能。

Wooga——德国社交游戏公司Wooga为旗下社交游戏Monster World和Happy Hospital推出了30款装饰道具,如圣诞树,怪兽胡桃夹子等。此外Monster World整个世界陷入了一片冰天雪地之中,游戏中的非玩家小贩也穿上了圣诞装。另外,Wooga表示新年期间将再增6款新虚拟商品。

Zynga——作为社交游戏开发巨头公司,Zynga在旗下FarmVille, CityVille, FrontierVille, YoVille, Café World, Treasure Isle和PetVille等热门社交游戏也推出了各种圣诞节商品。其中很大部分圣诞商品是感恩节和万圣节活动的延续。以FarmVille为例,雪人取代了万圣节鬼屋,玩家需要集结好友的力量一起建造。


A Bit Lucky——首当其冲的便是置身于雪地之中的Lucky Train。在“冬日小镇装扮大赛”中,赢得比赛的玩家可以获得Lucky Bucks奖励,广大玩家可以为自己钟爱的小镇投上宝贵的一票。


CrowdStar——CrowdStar在Happy Pets和Happy Island两款游戏中发布了有趣的游戏功能。首先,在Happy Pets中发启了“圣诞12天”活动,登陆游戏的玩家每天都将获得一份圣诞礼物,集齐12份后将得到“Glow Elf Cat”奖励。如果玩家不行错过了某天的礼物,可以使用游戏货币在商店中购买礼物。另外,玩家可以在游戏转盘试下自己的运气,集齐5款圣诞主题商品的话就将获得Rudolph和可爱的红鼻子驯鹿。



在Happy Island中也举办了类似的活动,玩家有机会获得北极小岛,圣诞工厂等圣诞节礼品。此外,玩家还可以在自己的岛屿上制作和赠送圣诞贺卡。

Digital chocolate——Digital Chocolate旗下游戏Island god迎来了一种神奇的生物,迷你版雪怪“Festive Fiend”,它将穿着圣诞服在玩家的岛屿上自由漫步。

LOLapps——社交游戏Ravenwood Fair推出了两款节日任务,奖品是神奇的糖果屋和圣诞老人工厂。该两款道具都只能通过完成任务获得。此外,游戏中还新增了3款虚拟人物形象:雪人Brumble,雪人护卫Briggs和姜饼先生Hansel。



Playdom——在众多社交游戏中,Social City的圣诞节活动最为令人印象深刻。玩家将可以在北极圈内打造一个全新的城市。这就意味着该城市中的每一件道具都将充满着浓浓的节日氛围。在这一活动中,玩家的主要任务就是尽情地发挥想象力,打造自己的圣诞城镇。值得一提的是该城镇中无法建立任何的工厂。


另外,Playdom在游戏中开发了新款eCard功能。玩家可以为自己的城市拍照留念,并将之发送给自己的朋友,收信人并不必是Social city玩家或Facebook用户。

Playfish——Restaurant City中推出了两款圣诞节的迷你游戏。在获得原料奖励之后,玩家学会制作驯鹿最钟爱的食物。另外,玩家可以在City的周围帮助圣诞老人寻找丢失的礼品,发现40件礼品就能获得姜饼窗户和门。

在Country Story中,圣诞老人每天会赠送玩家一份礼物,玩家可以将之转送给自己的好友。另外,游戏中还有一款迷你游戏,玩家可以在 朋友的帮助下援救一直受困的驯鹿。

最后,在Pet society的“雪花收集”任务中,在26日前集齐12片雪花的玩家将有机会赢取苹果Mac Book Airs,10名幸运玩家将可以获得EA Store的免费下载权,另外的玩家有机会获得Pogo Club一年的订阅。

RockYou!——社交游戏Zoo World的圣诞节活动十分有趣:圣诞老人的驯鹿丢失了,玩家必须帮助圣诞老人训练新的坐骑。为了完成这一任务,玩家需要收集糖果棒,姜饼,圣诞钟等游戏道具。




Wooga——Monster World的玩家会发现节日之际的植物发生了很大的变化。取代表情狰狞的怪物花朵,Monster World中的植物充满了圣诞氛围。

另外在Happy Hospital游戏中,圣诞活动还是围绕着治疗小动物展开。在游戏中将出现各种神奇的病症,玩家现在可以治疗冻僵的浣熊啦!

zynga——社交游戏Treasure Isle中冒出了一颗圣诞树。玩家获得越多的朋友赠礼,圣诞树就会变得更大更华美,玩家还有机会获得圣诞宠物等节日奖励。另外,玩家还可以在Treasure Isle中和朋友一起帮助冻僵的Rudolph。完成任务后,玩家将解锁新的节日地图。另外,游戏还推出了各种圣诞节任务,顺利完成任务的玩家将获得经验和游戏币奖励。



With Christmas just a few days away, the hype of the holiday is at its peak. Social game developers are making the most of it with a tremendous influx of specially themed goods, décor, and game mechanics. From snowmen to Santa, the Christmas theme is showing itself to be far greater than Halloween and completely dwarfing the holidays from 2009.

From big to small, we take a look below at what Facebook games have done for the holiday. We’ve split our review into two broad categories: virtual goods and new features.

Christmas Virtual Goods
Themed virtual goods are easily the most common Christmas addition across all social games. Here’s a compilation of social developers and which games are hosting what:

Lucky TrainA Bit Lucky – Lucky Train has about six Christmas-themed houses such as Santa’s House, a Gingerbread House, Toy Factories, and so on. Additionally, players can change the entire theme of their train town to resemble a winter wonderland blanketed in snow.

Players can also gift special, limited time, holiday items such as candy canes, snowmen, and Christmas trees. This plays well into A Bit Lucky’s more interesting holiday contests, which we cover below.

North Pole DancerBooyah – Nightclub City, with all of its glitz and glamor, has put in a variety of stylized Christmas club items. These include decorative club items such as snowflake dance floors and “North Pole Dancers”, as well as holiday clothing for avatars and entourages. Complete with Santa hats and tops, the game also takes a goofier approach with Rudolph, Frosty, and Christmas tree avatar outfits.

It Girl SantaCrowdStar – As with both Halloween and Thanksgiving, the majority of themed elements to CrowdStar games are virtual items. Of all the titles within the CrowdStar repertoire, It Girl seems to have been most affected, with city streets covered in the sights and sounds of the season.

Yes, sounds. It Girl is the only title we have seen thus far that boasts Christmas songs playing in the background. Beyond the décor, players can also purchase holiday clothing, of the sexier variety, including a Santa and elf outfit.

It Girl aside, virtual Christmas goods can also be found in Happy Pets, Happy Island, and Happy Aquarium. Such items include Christmas colored pets, scuba diving reindeer, and the ever-coveted Santa fish.

Vegas City Ice HotelDigital Chocolate – The folks over at Digital Chocolate have decided to focus on Christmas virtual goods. Across five games — Millionaire City, Vegas City, Epic Fighters, Ninjas Rising, and Island God — there are 20 plus virtual items for the season.

The two business-oriented apps (Millionaire and Vegas City) contain the most goods, while Epic Fighters and Ninjas Rising host a special Christmas helmet and Santa costume respectively. All, however, have new Christmas themed backgrounds and snowfall.

LOLapps – In Ravenwood Fair, LOLapps is certainly in the holiday spirit with nearly 40 special holiday items. Igloos, snowy river banks, and holiday lights are only the tip of the iceberg. However, much more interesting mechanics are noted below.

Tiki ResortPlaydom – A good number of Playdom titles are in the Christmas spirit, including Social City, City of Wonder, ESPNU College Town, Wild Ones, Tiki Resort, Tiki Farm, Mobsters, Mobsters 2, My Vineyard, Market Street, and Sorority Life. For the most part, the items are fairly basic, but some are slightly different.

In Tiki Resort, players are being given daily Christmas items until the end of December (players can also gift “Xmas Charm” and Champagne), while in ESPNU Santa randomly flies about from time to time. In fact, City of Wonder has a few visual surprises in this regard as well, with many older items blanketed in snow.

The real treat is a bit more explosive. In Wild Ones, players don’t just get Christmas decorations, they get an entire “Winter Wonderblammed” map in which to blow each other to kingdom come in. And what better way to do this than with a “Snowman Gun”?

Coca ColaPlayfish – As one of the larger social game developers, Playfish has a myriad of Christmas themed goods across some of its major titles (Pet Society, Restaurant City, Country Story, and Hotel City).

In Restaurant City, a handful of items come with functionality such as the “Festive Fridge” that serves drinks 10 percent faster. There is even a special Coca Cola vending machine that will earn 50 percent more profit off of beverages. It’s part of a two-week partnership with Coca Cola, a promotion that includes the Coca Cola penguin, polar bear, truck, and Santa.

As for Hotel City, there isn’t much, but come December 22nd, players will receive special “surprise” items just for playing. This special Christmas promotion will run until the 25th.

RockYou! – RockYou has incorporated new Christmas goods into Zoo World. That in mind, they are not mere aesthetics and actually have a much more complex, functional use described below.

Monster WorldWooga – German outfit wooga is filling its games Monster World and Happy Hospital with well over 30 decorations that range from Christmas trees, to monster-like nutcrackers, to nativity-themed items. Beyond these, Monster World has been completely covered in snow, with the vendor non-player robot, Robert, dressed up as a robotic Santa Claus. Wooga told us that six new virtual goods will make their appearance come New Years.

Happy Hospital is a bit smaller in the virtual goods area, but has also been covered with snow and even comes with a special snowman that gives small rewards to users from time to time.

FarmVille Christmas GoodsZynga – With the biggest social games in its roster, Zynga has plenty of resources to produce holiday goods in FarmVille, CityVille, FrontierVille, YoVille, Café World, Treasure Isle, and PetVille. While most are fairly basic, such as the Ice Furniture Collection in PetVille, many involve the help of friends to construct, such as the Winter Throne chairs in YoVille that require friends to gift parts.

Most of these items are adaptations of past Thanksgiving and Halloween specials. For example, in FarmVille, instead of a haunted house, players can begin making a snowman, asking friends for parts to build it. As they get more parts, the snowman gradually gets fancier until it ends up as a veritable Frosty, complete with dance moves.

Special Christmas Features
While themed virtual goods are all well and good, most developers attempted to do at least one very different thing for the season. Be they contests, limited features, special quests, or new social elements, the following list is a compilation of some of the more interesting new features:

A Bit Lucky – Lucky Train, with its new snow-blanketing theme, is first on the list, and A Bit Lucky makes use of its themed virtual goods and gifts to offer players a chance to win some “Lucky Bucks,” the game’s virtual currency. Dubbed the “Winter County Decoration Contest,” players can view and submit votes on their favorite player counties. The winners earn Lucky Bucks as their prize.

Holiday Main StreetBooyah – In light of the major changes to Nightclub City, players can now create multiple clubs in the game. One such locale is “Holiday Main Street.” A Christmas themed locale is needed to unlock most of the holiday virtual goods for purchase.

RudolphCrowdStar – CrowdStar has thrown a handful of special elements into its social titles. Though not as significant as some of its competitors’ additions, players can experience a few interesting features in both Happy Pets and Happy Island. In the former, there is a special “12 Days of Christmas” feature that will give users one gift per day. If all 12 are collected, players will receive a “Glow Elf Cat” as an extra special reward. If any day is missed, that missed item can purchased for virtual currency. Additionally, players can also spin a wheel for a chance at Christmas themed goods. If all five are collected, users earn Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

As for Happy Island, it also makes use of the 12 Days of Christmas promotion, rewarding a Christmas bundle (North Pole Islet, Santa’s Workshop, Reindeer Stable, and a Flying Santa with Reindeer). Additionally, players can create and send Christmas postcards from their island.

Festive FiendDigital Chocolate – The Christmas mechanic of merit for Digital Chocolate is a new creature in Island God called the “Festive Fiend.” A gremlin version of the Grinch, complete with Santa outfit, it randomly terrorizes the player’s islanders. Of course, since the player is a god, they can easily defend their followers with some godly gusto.

Holiday CharactersLOLapps – Along with purchasable décor, Ravenwood Fair includes two new holiday quests for users to complete. The rewards are a very special Candy House and Santa’s Workshop. Neither item can be bought; they must be earned.

In addition to these, three new avatars have been introduced. The abominable snowman Brumble appears to scare the wits out of the fair’s patrons, while Briggs, the snowman protector, helps to calm them. Also, players may also see the visitor character Hansel, the gingerbread man, who spreads “holiday cheer” to the characters in game.

Social City eCardsPlaydom – Social City stands out among Playdom’s games for its Christmas additions. Players are able to construct an entirely new city within the “North Pole District.” This means that every single item within the region is holiday themed. All of them. In fact, this area is all about decorative creativity, as there are no factories one can build here.

Players can still put Christmas décor into their main cities, but many of these items are won using the spin feature introduced when Playdom offered Disney-themed items. As a refresher, players can log in and spin a wheel for a small bit of virtual currency and will randomly win one of eight virtual items. Once all eight are collected, they will earn an extravagant “Town Christmas Tree.”

The additions don’t stop here. Playdom also informed us of a new eCard mechanic within Social City. With this, players can take a snapshot of their city and customize it with special messages, borders, and greetings. Those who the eCard is sent to do not have to play Social City, or even have a Facebook account.

Toys and ReindeerPlayfish – As it has in the past, Playfish has fairly involved Christmas game mechanics. Restaurant City is the most prominent, with two new mini-games that allow players to save Christmas.

With an ingredient reward, players can learn how to cook a reindeer’s favorite recipe (basically carrots) and must feed 50 of them as they wander around the outskirts of one’s restaurant. Of course, if décor is more appealing, players can also search the snowy virtual outskirts for Santa’s lost presents. Once 40 are found, users can earn a gingerbread window and door.

Country Story is a little less involved, but every day, Santa will bring gifts for players and allow them to send them to friends. Moreover, there is a small mini-game where players can use the help of friends to rescue a reindeer trapped in a stocking.

In Pet Society’s new “Snowflakes Collection,” players collect snowflakes and, should they collect all 12 by the 26th, they will be entered to win one of three Apple Mac Book Airs. Ten runners-up will receive a free PC download from the EA Store (The Sims 3, FIFA 11, or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), while the 10 after that will earn a Pogo Club annual subscription.

Mrs ClausRockYou! – Zoo World is using a more involved approach to its Christmas goods, reflecting its Thanksgiving specials. Long story short, Santa has lost his reindeer and users must train new animals to pull his sled. In order to do this, players must first collect all the items needed to do so which includes candy canes, Christmas bells, a reindeer headdress, gingerbread cookies, and a winter scarf.

Each one is earned in different ways: Feeding animals holiday treats (Christmas cupcakes and lollipops) can produce candy canes; gingerbread cookies are earned when friends click a wall post; and bells, headdresses, and scarves are earned through gifting. All of these can be purchased with virtual currency or earned, randomly, from Mrs. Claus who shows up every two hours for a “check-in” opportunity. With five check-ins she gives a random component.

Once everything is acquired, players must ask five friends to help “train” an animal, which also provides the option to turn it into an “ultra rare” version of itself for virtual currency. Additionally, Santa himself visits on three different days, rewarding players with special gifts, should a set amount of animals be trained before his arrival. The special features will run until about January 14th.

IcefluenzaWooga – For Monster World, players that play during Christmas time will notice that their plants are growing rather differently this time of year. Rather than produce the usual, monstrous looking flora, these plants will grow to represent everything from toy blocks to frozen Christmas trees.

As for Happy Hospital, the major new mechanic involves the game’s core concept of treating sick animals. With its quirky ailments, players can now cure a frozen raccoon afflicted with “Icefluenca.”

Frozen RudolphZynga – Like Thanksgiving, the biggest changes come from Treasure Isle. Placing a Christmas tree on their island, players can send presents to each other. As more are earned, the tree becomes larger and fancier, and will also grant rewards such as Christmas pets and boats.

The bigger element for the treasure hunting title is the feature to help a frozen Rudolph with friends. While he will get warmer with each day, friends can help expedite the process, and once Rudolph is better, users will unlock entirely new holiday maps to dig in. There is also a set of Christmas quests, tasking players to create elements of the 12 Days of Christmas (e.g. there is a quest to make a Partridge [cookie] in a Pear Tree). Doing these quests will earn significant coin and experience.

FrontierVille also has something interesting along this same thread. Called “The 12 Missions of FrontierVille,” players are given a series of 12 holiday-themed missions to complete in-game. Activated by clicking on carolers near a very Christmas-style toy factory, players can complete these goals for special, daily, rewards. In addition to this, players can earn a new currency “Toys” by helping neighbors, through random daily bonuses, or asking friends. These toys can then be used to redeem special holiday items such as Rudolph or a pink Christmas tree.

Each holiday is getting more and more attention from social developers as they attempt to adapt their top games for the season. From virtual goods, to contests, to special features, each of these listed titles have done something to coax greater user engagement, sharing, and purchasing.

A special thanks to all the developers who sent us screenshots of all their new Christmas features. (Source:Inside Social Games)

