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CrowdStar发布新款海盗类社交游戏Mighty Pirates

发布时间:2010-12-14 11:38:45 Tags:,,,,

最近,社交游戏公司Crowdstar推出了新款海盗类游戏Mighty Pirates。该款游戏包含了两种游戏模式和一条不断延续发展的故事情节,指导玩家逐步拓展游戏体验。

mighty pirates island

mighty pirates island

据游戏邦了解,新款Mighty Pirates游戏主要围绕探险和海战展开。前者只需玩家点击海岛上的各种物品,玩家可以在树木草丛中,石头缝隙中发现藏宝图碎片或各色道具,装饰类道具将直接应用到玩家的虚拟人物形象中。探索的同时要注意潜行在沙滩中的骷髅海盗,玩家如果想要探索全岛就不得不与他们展开一场激战。另外,玩家的探索挖掘活动会根据地点的不同花费一定的岛屿能量(该能量主要用于探险发现),而发射加农炮等则会消耗另一种形式的能量。

启动战斗模式,玩家只需点击海面上的其他船只,但要注意自己的等级是否足够资格与敌方一战。Mighty Pirates中的战斗模式是轮回战,玩家有三种命令选择:发射加农炮,放火和提高武器精准度。同时,玩家船上配备的船员人数(随着等级提高可配备的船员数也将增加)将决定玩家在每轮作战中的行动次数。战斗中,在消灭敌方舰队的同时要注意己方舰队不会因火攻或炮击而覆灭。战斗胜利的玩家将获得经验,金币和藏宝图碎片等奖励。

mighty pirates battle

mighty pirates battle

Mighty Pirates的战斗模式十分有趣,但更有趣的是,参加战斗的每一艘舰队都代表着一位真实的玩家。尽管该游戏并非即时游戏,但玩家可以在登录游戏后查看自己的战果。另外,玩家也可以选择偷取敌方的藏宝图,但这一行动的危险性较之单打独斗有过之而无不及。在游戏中,玩家提升等级后,相应的战斗数据也将提升,诸如攻击力,防御力和精准度等。

mighty pirates homescreen

mighty pirates homescreen


operates on two levels: Exploration and Battle. The former is accessed by clicking on any one of the island surrounding your vessel, which will immediately transport your avatar (who will strangely appear in his skivvies) to the island. It’s from here that you will have to search under every tree, bush and piece of rock to hopefully find a piece of the treasure map and some resources along the way. But beware, skeletal pirates lurk beneath the sand, and will need to be dealt with if you want to complete the entire island. Depending on the area in which you’re digging, it will expend a certain amount of Island Energy, which is only used for exploration. As for the other form of Energy, you’ll be spending that by firing off a cannon ball or two.

Now, this is where the real fun begins. To access Battle Mode, all you need to do is click on any of the surrounding ships while on the home screen, but be wary of the opponent’s level in comparison to your own. Once in Battle, you’ll be trading blows in a turn-based style fight with the enemy. As for your options, there are only three: Fire Cannon, Put out Fire and Improve Weapon Accuracy. The amount of Crew Members you’ve added to your ship–the amount you can have increases with level–affects the amount of actions you can take in a single turn (they’ll also be around to help in Exploration). The main goal of Battle is the destroy the opponent’s ship while keeping your own from burning down die to fire damage, which becomes an interesting balance given that fire damage puts a dent into your ship’s health points every turn. Winning battles rewards you with experience, coins and sometimes even a treasure map piece.

While turn based battles with big explosions are certainly enjoyable, what makes warfare more interesting in Mighty Pirates is that every ship you engage in naval combat is an actual player of the game. While these battles don’t occur in real time, the player will be updated upon logging in of whether they won or lost a battle. And to tack on even greater risks, you can even steal treasure map pieces from enemies by defeating them (and vise versa), which is certainly an incentive to keep your ship in tip top shape.

As you progress in the game through either Battles or Exploration, you’ll gain access to improved parts for your ship such as cannons, hulls and sterns. However, you’ll also need resources like Iron and Wood, which can only be found while digging for treasure on various islands. That being said, it’s not wise to play to only one of the game’s two primary modes. Also, leveling up will allow players to increase their Battle statistics like attack power, defense and accuracy, all of which are necessary but are open to different play styles. Though, a high accuracy rating is pretty much a must-have in battle or you’ll end up making more splashes than explosions.

If you end up growing tired of a particular area, you can Set Sail once every eight hours to a new set of islands to explore and ships to battle. Though, we’d recommend at least exploring an entire map first before leaving to another region. Just remember to keep track of your Journal progress so that you move along through the game’s story smoothly and you should do just fine. Just watch out for those pesky enemy pirates just waiting to thwart your progress. This brief player vs. player element combined with strategic turn-based battles and exploration make for what could be the next big pirate adventure on Facebook. (

