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新款Facebook游戏Heaven’s Diner将真实食物带入社交游戏

发布时间:2010-12-03 13:43:39 Tags:,,

最近,位于硅谷的新兴科技公司Mobilitz发布了一款时间管理类的Facebook游戏Heaven’s Diner。该款游戏通过提供玩家自制食物,将现实生活经验融入了社交游戏之中。

在Heaven’s Diner中,游戏开发商通过引用“天堂的食谱”这一概念将现实生活经验融入其中。游戏中,玩家要在天堂中经营一家专为上帝和天使们服务的他餐厅,提供章鱼烧,披萨等各色食品。游戏之初,玩家处于第一层天堂,之后随着经验的累积,提升等级慢慢向上层天堂进发。

heaven's diner

heaven's diner


满足客户之后,玩家不仅可以获得Karma,同时还可以降低上帝光临的频率。玩家还可以聘用特殊侍应生准备餐点,提高游戏经验。最近,Heaven’s Diner还更新了排行榜功能,玩家邀请朋友加入游戏也能获得奖励。

Heaven’s Diner Quest

Heaven’s Diner Quest


对此,该公司的首席执行官兼创办者Krating Poonpol表示,“我们的任务是通过各种动态的社交游戏体验令玩家沈醉其中。因此在Heaven’s Diner的最新更新中,我们开发了更加奇怪而又有挑战性的功能。我们要把有趣的游戏变得更加有趣。”

目前,玩家可以登录Facebook体验Heaven’s Diner。11月开始,Heaven’s Diner的iPhone手机应用版本也开放免费下载。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Silicon valley-based tech upstart Mobilitz announced the official launch of its social time-management game for Facebook. Called Heaven’s Diner, the game offers a unique blend of game play and the real world through the utility of user-generated food content. More after the jump.

Heaven’s Diner’s extensions into the real world are matched by an interesting concept its title alludes to: heavenly dining. Players start by creating their own restaurant in heaven for divine customers. That’s right, the objective is serve God and his angels a variety of food ranging from sauteed octopus to pizza. Players begin in Prima Heaven and work their way up through the heavens, gaining in ranks and building customized menus to serve.

This is where the real world tie-in comes into play. Players have the opportunity to photograph their dishes, created by themselves or those in restaurants, and add them to the choices of food they can serve. The game also offers a cool option of adding reviews to the various food choices. Once the menu is chosen, visitors start approaching and placing orders. Players then click the picture of food that’s ordered to begin preparation. Players have to act fast to satisfy the customers, as a late or incorrect arrival can increase your chances of being hell-bound.

Satisfying customers is important as it gives players Karma and causes a meter to slowly rise, with a God visiting once its filled up. Players can hire special waiters to make preparations easier and enhance their gameplay experience. Heaven’s Diner has also been recently updated with a leaderboard and bonuses for adding friends and visiting their restaurants. Players visiting their friends can enchant their food, ask for energy and also rate their food.

Mobilitz is also offering players a geo-location enabled iPhone app that will make it easy for players to upload images of dishes and reward them for fulfilling quests. The quests are relatively fun and ask the users to visit local restaurants and take pictures of their dishes. Apart from the fun features, it’s important to note that the game has a strong skill component and is not just a simple social game like Cafeworld. With time management, user-generated content, real life quests and food involved, Mobilitz is offering a truly compelling social game.

“Our mission is to keep our users constantly engaged and delighted by providing them with a dynamic, integrated social gaming experience,” said Mobilitz CEO and Founder, Krating Poonpol. “So in this new update to Heaven’s Diner, we’ve developed even more whimsical, quirky, and challenging features that will give players more opportunities to increase momentum in serving their way through heaven. Basically, we made an already fun game even better, because that’s just what we do!”

Heaven’s Diner is now available on Facebook . The Heaven’s Diner iPhone app will be available as a free download from the App Store in November. (Source:Social Times)

