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发布时间:2010-12-01 12:56:34 Tags:,,

人们长久以来一直期待的Jolt Online新款网络游戏Playboy Manager将以社交媒介游戏的形态现身Facebook社交网站,并重新命名为Playboy Party。

此前,年轻企业家Dylan Collins将其公司DemonWare以1500万美元的价格出售给世界最大电脑游戏公司Activision。去年有消息称Collins将与Hugh Hefner的Playboy帝国合作开发一款网络游戏Playboy Manager。在游戏中,玩家主要经营打理时尚杂志当红模特的人生规划。一开始,Collins将该游戏定位为独立的网络游戏。然而之后,Collins又改变计划,决定将游戏塑造为社交游戏应用Playboy Party,并将以Facebook社交网站为平台,面向全球近5亿用户。



据Collins介绍,在新款游戏Playboy Party中,玩家将扮演一位刚刚咱崭露头角的Playboy,可以在自己家中组织各种时尚派对。游戏中,玩家需要邀请各色名人参与自己的排队,并可以不断解锁更多的可邀请名人。随着聚会越来越成功,玩家将可以享受Playboy特权——与女孩子约会!


Collins及其团队相信Playboy Party游戏将会在Facebook取得与Zynga FarmVille类似的成就。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

The long-anticipated Playboy Manager internet app developed by Dublin-based Jolt Online has morphed into a social media game that has just gone live on Facebook, called Playboy Party.

Dylan Collins, the young entrepreneur who sold DemonWare to the world’s biggest computer game firm, Activision, for $15m, last year received international acclaim for striking a deal with Hugh Hefner’s Playboy empire to bring out an online game called Playboy Manager that allows players to manage the careers of the magazine’s hottest models.

Collins’ company, Jolt, which is part-owned by global retail games empire Gamestop, has been working away on the game, which was originally due to appear as a standalone title online.

However, Collins explained the project morphed into a social gaming app as Playboy Party that would instead appear on Facebook, opening it up to a global audience of 500 million people.
Playing the social game

Collins told Siliconrepublic: “It’s a social game on Facebook and you are an up-and-coming playboy and in charge of a party in your mansion and you’ve to try to make it big as possible.”

In playing the game, the player has to invite celebrities and through sheer guile unlock access to models.

“And the more successful you are you get access to exclusive Playboy content – you get to see girls!”

I asked Collins if the game comes with an over-18 cert. He said the game is targeted at a mixed audience and because it doesn’t include full nudity it doesn’t have to have an over-18 clause.

“It is the official Playboy title on Facebook and as such it is already garnering attention and given the brand, expect reaction to range from one extreme to the other.”(Source:siliconrepublic)

