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id Software工作室创始人看好苹果App Store运营模式

发布时间:2010-11-29 09:24:40 Tags:,,,

id Software工作室联合创始人约翰·卡马克(John Carmack)针对《Rage》最近投放到iPhone、iPad平台一事,接受了《每日电讯报》的采访,声称十分赞赏苹果App Store的运营模式,并相信App Store必将成为其他平台效仿的榜样。



卡马克表示,“很显然,包装销售的产品在本阶段的大型游戏平台上仍然会是主流,但迟早会退出舞台……我真的非常欣赏App Store平台,它扫清了发行作品时的多种障碍……你不需要向发行商低头,因为它为双方创造了完全均等的机会。小型开发团队也可以通过这一平台推出叫好叫座的游戏。”

另外他还认为,App Store促进了开发商与用户的直接沟通,为开发商创造了真正的优势;在App Store中,发行商和零售商的地位完全平等。


John Carmack on why the egalitarian App Store is the model for all games distribution

When you’ve been behind some of the most iconic gaming franchises, you’re rewarded with a certain amount of attention when you speak out – even what you’re saying has been accepted by large portions of your peers.
To that length, id Software co-founder John Carmack’s assertion that the level playing field represented by the Apple App Store will soon become adopted by other platforms might not be revolutionary, but it’s certainly relevant.


“Clearly, packaged goods sales are still critical on the big platforms at this stage, but that’s all going to go away sooner or later,” Carmack said in an interview with The Telegraph, speaking in the context of id’s recently release iPhone and iPad game, Rage.

“You know, I really, really like the App Store platform as far as being able to remove obstacles to getting your product out,” he added.

“You don’t have to cut deals with publishers. It’s almost completely egalitarian on there. It’s great to see all the small teams that wind up making these breakout hit games for the Apple devices.”

Customer care

Carmack believes it’s the interaction with consumers the App Store affords that gives developers a real advantage.

Publishers and retailers are, essentially, taken out of the equation.

“The fact is; on this platform, we can go ahead and deal with fifteen-a-day feedback on there and directly interact with the consumers, make changes and get things out,” he added.

“It is the wave of the future for everything. Everybody knows that eventually will be digital distribution like this – it’s only a question of time. This is the model of the future.”(source:pocketgamer)

