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Sony公司发布新款社交游戏Wildlife Refuge

发布时间:2010-11-25 17:04:19 Tags:,,

本周二,索尼网络娱乐有限公司发布了新款Facebook游戏Wildlife Refuge。位于圣地亚哥的索尼公司原先主力开发大型多人网络游戏和平台类游戏。但最近,该公司也开始致力于研究社交网站的盈利潜能。



新款游戏Wildlife Refuge的舞台设于非洲,玩家在游戏中的任务是要为稀有的野生动物建立家园。玩家可以打造自己的动物天堂,发现新物种,并保护它们不受偷猎者和危险的侵害。同时在游戏中玩家还可以获得各种奖励和“生态等级”,以建造,装饰和保护玩家的公务天堂,玩家也可以和邻居玩家进行互动。其中,玩家通过出售“Station Cash”可以获得虚拟商品和工具。


Sony Online Entertainment LLC unveiled Tuesday a new “Wildlife Refuge” game for Facebook.

The San Diego-based game developer, which operates an Austin design studio, primarily developers titles for the massively-multiplayer Internet games and gaming consoles. But the company is one of many delving into the revenue potential of social networking-based games.

The “Wildlife Refuge” is set in Africa and sends players on a mission to help build a refuge for exotic animals. Users can customize their virtual animal sanctuaries, discover new breeds and protect animals from poachers and other dangers.

Players also earn rewards and an “Ecosystem Rating” for building, decorating and securing their refuge, as well as exploring and interacting with neighboring gamers. The game generates revenue through selling “Station Cash” for virtual supplies and tools.

Sony said it will donate a portion of proceeds from the game to the Cheetah Conservation Fund and Cheetah Kids. (Source:bizjournals)

